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“Whose Birthday is it Anyway?!”

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Presentation on theme: "“Whose Birthday is it Anyway?!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Whose Birthday is it Anyway?!”
Matthew 1:18-25

2 Not a person here that doesn’t pay some kind of attention to their birthday, is there?! O, we remember being excited…

3 Noel – “birth or born on that day”

4 to better understand we are the reason for the season
Purpose: to better understand we are the reason for the season

5 I WE Struggle in Our Celebration of His Birth
- Birth of Christ is an intricate part of the Gospel… - Half-filled church building…


7 I WE Struggle in Our Celebration of His Birth
- Birth of Christ is an intricate part of the Gospel… - Half-filled church building… - God came in the flesh…

8 II JOB Would Have Struggled in the Celebration of His Birth
- How can we be so sure?... - God’s rebuke of Job, He reveals the joyous coming of Christ the Lord… - The game “Booby-Trap”…

9 The object was to remove as many disks without triggering the spring trap…

10 II JOB Would Have Struggled in the Celebration of His Birth
- How can we be so sure?... - God’s rebuke of Job, He reveals the joyous coming of Christ the Lord… - The game “Booby-Trap”… - No guessing with Jesus…

11 Job 38:4-7 “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me., if you have understanding. Who set its measurements, since you know? Or who stretched the line on it? On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

12 III ALL Struggle in the Celebration of His Birth
- Family celebrated Christmas…

13 Visitor asked little five year old Ruth, “Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas?” After a short moment…

14 III ALL Struggle in the Celebration of His Birth
- Family celebrated Christmas… - From the mouths of babes… - Don’t let the ways of the world blind us…

15 Summary and Conclusion:
May we all have a blessed time in celebrating the birth of our Lord. Prayer even more that our Lord will receive some special gifts from each of us. After all, “Whose Birth Day is it Anyway?”

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