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English Literature GCSE, AQA Unit 1- Modern Texts –Of Mice and Men.

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1 English Literature GCSE, AQA Unit 1- Modern Texts –Of Mice and Men.
/30 marks, plus /4 marks for SPaG. Past Paper Part (a) Part (b) June 2013 Slim In this passage, how does Steinbeck present Slim? Refer closely to the passage in your answer. [A tall man stood in the doorway…] In the rest of the novel, how does Steinbeck show that some people on the ranch are considered more important than others? How does this reflect the society in which the novel is set? January 2013 Crooks In this passage, how does Steinbeck present Crooks? Refer closely to the passage in your answer. [Crooks possessed several pairs of shoes…] In the rest of the novel, how does Steinbeck use Crooks to present attitudes to black people at the time the novel is set? June 2012 Curley’s wife In this passage, what methods does Steinbeck use to present Curley’s wife and the attitudes of others to her? Refer closely to the passage in your answer. [Both men glanced up, …] How does Steinbeck present attitudes to women in the society in which the novel is set? January 2012 The bunkhouse How does Steinbeck use details in this passage to present the bunkhouse and its inhabitants? [The bunkhouse…] In the rest of the novel, how does Steinbeck present the lives of ranch workers at that time? June 2011 George & Lennie How do the details in this passage add to your understanding of George and his relationships with Lennie? [‘I don’t want no fights,’…] How does Steinbeck use their relationship in the novel as a whole to convey ideas about America in the 1930s?

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