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“A Country Divided” and “…Crossfire”

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1 “A Country Divided” and “…Crossfire”
Mr. Verlin South Philadelphia High School November 7 and 10, 2014 “A Country Divided” and “…Crossfire”

2 Preliminaries 11/13: form 2 sentences using “intolerance” and “negotiations”. 11/14: form 2 sentences using “abhor” and “absorb”.

3 Objectives: The students will be able to make inferences about a character’s motivation. The students will be able to synthesize at least 2 sources from an informational text. The students will be able to make predictions about what they will read.

4 Focus Lesson: “A Country…”
Synthesizing Sources: p. 231 Setting: Ireland In small groups, read pp aloud. Each group will be responsible for taking 3 QNTs.

5 Focus Lesson: “…Crossfire”
Review: synthesizing sources: p. 231 Pre-read “Lives in the Crossfire” starting on p Predict the main idea. Setting: Ireland In small groups, read pp aloud. Each group will be responsible for taking 3 QNTs.

6 Homework: “…Crossfire”
Write a thesis statement for an essay you might write on tolerance.

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