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Professor Ronald L. Carter

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1 Professor Ronald L. Carter
Semiconductor Device Modeling and Characterization – EE5342 Lecture 37 – Spring 2011 Professor Ronald L. Carter

2 SPICE mosfet Model Instance CARM*, Ch. 4, p. 290
L = Ch. L. [m] W = Ch. W. [m] AD = Drain A [m2] AS = Source A[m2] NRD, NRS = D and S diff in squares M = device multiplier ©rlc L37-04May2011

3 CARM*, Ch. 4, p. 99 ©rlc L37-04May2011

4 SPICE mosfet model levels
Level 1 is the Schichman-Hodges model Level 2 is a geometry-based, analytical model Level 3 is a semi-empirical, short-channel model Level 4 is the BSIM1 model Level 5 is the BSIM2 model, etc. ©rlc L37-04May2011

5 SPICE Parameters Level 1 - 3 (Static)
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6 SPICE Parameters Level 1 - 3 (Static)
* 0 = aluminum gate, 1 = silicon gate opposite substrate type, 2 = silicon gate same as substrate. ©rlc L37-04May2011

7 SPICE Parameters Level 1 - 3 (Q & N)
©rlc L37-04May2011

8 Level 1 Static Const. For Device Equations
Vfb = -TPG*EG/2 -Vt*ln(NSUB/ni) q*NSS*TOX/eOx VTO = as given, or = Vfb + PHI + GAMMA*sqrt(PHI) KP = as given, or = UO*eOx/TOX CAPS are spice pars., technological constants are lower case ©rlc L37-04May2011

9 Level 1 Static Const. For Device Equations
b = KP*[W/(L-2*LD)] = 2*K, K not spice GAMMA = as given, or = TOX*sqrt(2*eSi*q*NSUB)/eOx 2*phiP = PHI = as given, or = 2*Vt*ln(NSUB/ni) ISD = as given, or = JS*AD ISS = as given, or = JS*AS ©rlc L37-04May2011

10 Level 1 Static Device Equations
vgs < VTH, ids = 0 VTH < vds + VTH < vgs, id = KP*[W/(L-2*LD)]*[vgs-VTH-vds/2] *vds*(1 + LAMBDA*vds) VTH < vgs < vds + VTH, id = KP/2*[W/(L-2*LD)]*(vgs - VTH)^2 *(1 + LAMBDA*vds) ©rlc L37-04May2011

11 SPICE Parameters Level 2
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12 SPICE Parameters Level 2 & 3
©rlc L37-04May2011

13 Level 2 Static Device Equations
Accounts for variation of channel potential for 0 < y < L For vds < vds,sat = vgs - Vfb - PHI + g2*[1-sqrt(1+2(vgs-Vfb-vbs)/g2] id,ohmic = [b/(1-LAMBDA*vds)] *[vgs - Vfb - PHI - vds/2]*vds -2g[vds+PHI-vbs)1.5-(PHI-vbs)1.5]/3 ©rlc L37-04May2011

14 Level 2 Static Device Eqs. (cont.)
For vds > vds,sat id = id,sat/(1-LAMBDA*vds) where id,sat = id,ohmic(vds,sat) ©rlc L37-04May2011

15 Level 2 Static Device Eqs. (cont.)
Mobility variation KP’ = KP*[(esi/eox)*UCRIT*TOX /(vgs-VTH-UTRA*vds)]UEXP This replaces KP in all other formulae. ©rlc L37-04May2011

16 SPICE Parameters Level 3
©rlc L37-04May2011

17 BJT Self-heating Self heating of the transistor is proportional to the power dissipated. Temperature Rise = ΔT = Rth ∙Power The VBIC model was developed to simulate the BJT such that the device temperature tracked power dissipation in real time. Other circuit simulators which accommodate thermal resistance are HICUM MEXTRAM ©rlc L37-04May2011

18 Rth Estimation for a Small Diode-isolated BJT Device
VBE=0.87 V and VCE=20 V, RTH = 341 C/W ©rlc L37-04May2011

19 VBIC Model Highlights Self-heating effects included
dt tl Self-heating effects included Improved Early effect modeling Quasi-saturation modeling Parasitic substrate transistor modeling Parasitic fixed (oxide) capacitance modeling An avalanche multiplication model included Base current is decoupled from collector current ©rlc L37-04May2011

20 2-D Isotherm Plot- Lines Connecting Points of Equal Temperature
2-D Isotherm plots for a structure scaled to be the same as the P10 1X2X1 device. ©rlc L37-04May2011

21 Thermal Model of a SiGe HBT
The structure of a typical SiGe HBT (Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor) [1] The Electrical circuit topology (Cauer network) for the thermal analogy model Oxide ©rlc L37-04May2011

22 One Dimensional Heat Flow in Silicon
AMBIENT HEAT SILICON A silicon structure can be sub-divided into several silicon slabs. Each section contributes to the total Rth and Cth of the structure. If each section is of equal volume, their individual Rth and Cth should be equal in value. To correspond to uniform heat flow, each section can be represented by a thermal resistance and half the total capacitance on each node of the resistor. Cth 2 Rth ©rlc L37-04May2011

23 The Distributed Nature of the Heat Flow
The corresponding CTh /2 capacitors are aggregated at each node. Note that the “ambient end” CTh /2 is short-circuited. The distributed equivalent circuit analogy simulation is obtained from the following network. Rth n Cth 2n Add formula Rth = Total Thermal resistance for the silicon structure Cth= Total Thermal capacitance of the silicon structure n = number of sections A=area cp= thermal capacitance ρ=density t= thickness kp= thermal conductance ©rlc L37-04May2011

24 Comparison of Circuit Analogy to Davinci Simulation of the Heat Flow
Considering a silicon structure of size 3.7umx2.5um x10um Dividing the structure into 10 sections. where i=1,2,3…n, n= number of sections Dotted line=Davinci simulation measurement Solid line = equivalent circuit simulation ©rlc L37-04May2011

25 Approximating the Distributed Circuit With a Single Pole Model
Converting the 10 element distributed model to a 1 pole model: RTotal=Rth at ‘dc’ ΔQTotal =(cp)(ρ)Tavg For total heat consumption. Heat stored corresponds to charge stored for the equivalent circuit. How the davinci simulation and parameter , rth total , cth total add slide for simulation using calculation. Parameter values of the circuit simulation. Rth n Cth 2n ©rlc L37-04May2011

26 Comparison of Circuit Analogy to Davinci Simulation for Heat Flow
©rlc L37-04May2011

27 (cont’d) Top of the tub Top of the oxide Top of the wafer
Results from equivalent circuit simulations Results from Davinci Simulation Results from device measurement Foster network Results from device measurement Cauer network Top of the tub Top of the oxide Top of the wafer ©rlc L37-04May2011

28 Circuit used for simulations
©rlc L37-04May2011

29 dt for VBIC-R1.5 model Model: VBIC-R1.5. “selft” flag set to 1.
No optimization done. No external circuit connected. Rth=5.8E+0 Cth=96E-12 ©rlc L37-04May2011

30 VBIC-R1.5 Y11 plot (standard data)
©rlc L37-04May2011

31 VBIC-R1.5 Y11 plot (standard data)
©rlc L37-04May2011

32 VBIC-R1.2 Y11 plot (optimized data)
For optimized data refer slide “Model Parameters”. Circuit used is shown in “Circuit for Y parameters (optimized data)” slide. fc Τ fc1= 2E3 7.962E-05 fc2= 9.25E4 1.721E-06 fc3= 3.2E6 4.976E-08 Fc4=2E3 Fc5=1E5 1.592E-06 Fc6=4E6 3.981E-08 fc7= 2E3 fc8= 1E5 fc9=4E6 ©rlc L37-04May2011

33 Spreadsheet for Calculating the Rth and Cth
Calculations mentioned in the previous slides have been implemented in an Excel spreadsheet. The Cauer to Foster network transformation is done. The spreadsheet takes the dimensions of different layers of the devices and gives corresponding Cauer and Foster network values. This enables the calculation of time constants which can be converted into a single pole. The characteristic times for the Foster network appear on a impulse response plot. Fig. 7. Electrical equivalent Cauer network of the HBT Fig. 8. Electrical equivalent Foster network of the HBT ©rlc L37-04May2011

34 Effect of Rth on current feedback op-amp settling time
+ vIN = 1 V P-P, t = 200 m-sec 500 W vOUT 100 W ©rlc L37-04May2011

35 Current Feedback Op Amp Data (LMH6704) Switching Offset
©rlc L37-04May2011

36 LMH6550 impulse thermal characteristics
LeCroy sampling oscilloscope (1MW input mode) Maximum averaging (10000) Input nominally +/- 1V with 50 micro-sec period and 50% duty cycle. Fractional Gain Error = FGE ©rlc L37-04May2011

37 vIN Rising Response vIN FGE vOUT ©rlc L37-04May2011

38 vIN Falling Response vOUT FGE vIN ©rlc L37-04May2011

39 Current Feedback Op-Amp (CFOA) with Simple Current Mirror (CM) Bias
sup ©rlc L37-04May2011

40 Large-signal Output Voltage Transient Analysis for CFOA with Simple CM Biasing
©rlc L37-04May2011

41 Hypothesis: The Thermal Tail is a Linear Superposition of the Contribution from each Individual Circuit Stick The contribution of individual transistor to the total thermal tail. Used six stick classifications according to transistor type and functionality. i.e. Q10stk3-pnp-bf and Q11stk4-npn-cm Enabled the self-heating effect in the stick of interest and disabled the self-heating effect of the remaining transistors. Simulated the contribution of each individual stick. The total thermal tail simulated is essentially the sum of the individual thermal tail contributions of each circuit stick. ©rlc L37-04May2011

42 The Hypothesis Supported
Area x1 Area x8 Thermal Tail (uV/V) High-to-Low Low-to-High stk2-npn-bf (Q5) -822 842 -124 128 stk2-pnp-bf (Q6) -727 712 -101 98 stk2-npn-cm (Q2) -89 91 -11 12 stk2-pnp-cm (Q4) -91 89 -10 9 stk3-npn-bf (Q7) -877 850 -111 106 stk3-pnp-bf (Q8) -783 808 115 stk4-npn-cm (Q12) -1213 1217 -172 173 stk4-pnp-cm (Q10) -1075 1073 -159 158 stk5-npn-bf(Q13) 13 -13 2 -2 stk5-pnp-bf(Q14) -4 4 -1 1 stk5-npn-cm(Q18) 16 -15 stk5-pnp-cm(Q17) -5 stk6-npn-bf(Q15) stk6-pnp-bf(Q16) added total -5658 5661 -796 796 simulated total -5311 5313 -789 789 ©rlc L37-04May2011

43 References Fujiang Lin, et al, “Extraction Of VBIC Model for SiGe HBTs Made Easy by Going Through Gummel-Poon Model”, from Avanti Star-spice User Manual, 04, 2001. Affirma Spectre Circuit Simulator Device Model Equations Zweidinger, D.T.; Fox, R.M., et al, “Equivalent circuit modeling of static substrate thermal coupling using VCVS representation”, Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of , Volume: 2 Issue: 9 , Sept. 2002, Page(s): ©rlc L37-04May2011

44 Thermal Analogy References
[1] I.Z. Mitrovic , O. Buiu, S. Hall, D.M. Bagnall and P. Ashburn “Review of SiGe HBTs on SOI”, Solid State Electronics, Sept. 2005, Vol. 49, pp [2] Masana, F. N., “A New Approach to the Dynamic Thermal Modeling of Semiconductor Packages”, Microelectron. Reliab., 41, 2001, pp. 901–912. [3] Richard C. Joy and E. S. Schlig, “Thermal Properties of Very Fast Transistors”, IEEE Trans. ED, ED-1 7. No. 8, August 1970, pp [4] Kevin Bastin, “Analysis and Modeling of self heating in SiGe HBTs” , Aug. 2009, Masters Thesis, UTA. [5] Rinaldi, N., “On the Modeling of the Transient Thermal Behavior of Semiconductor Devices”, IEEE Trans-ED, Volume: 48 , Issue: 12 , Dec. 2001; Pages:2796 – 2802. ©rlc L37-04May2011

45 Simulation … References
[1] E. Castro, S. Coco, A. Laudani, L. LO Nigro and G. Pollicino, “A New Tool For Bipolar Transistor Characterization Based on HICUM”, Communications to SIMAI Congress, ISSN , Vol. 2, 2007. [2] K. Bastin, “Analysis And Modeling of Self Heating in Silicon Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors”, Thesis report, The University of Texas at Arlington, August 2009. ©rlc L37-04May2011

46 AICR Team at University of Texas Arlington - Electrical Engineering
Current Earlier Contributors Ronald L. Carter, Professor W. Alan Davis, Associate Professor Howard T. Russell, Senior Lecturer Ardasheir Rahman1 Xuesong Xie3 Arun Thomas-Karingada2 Sharath Patil2 Valay Shah2 Kevin Bastin, MS Abhijit Chaugule, MS Daewoo Kim, PhD Anurag Lakhlani, MS Zheng Li, PhD Kamal Sinha, PhD 1PhD Student 2MS Student 3Post-doctoral Associate ©rlc L37-04May2011

47 References CARM = Circuit Analysis Reference Manual, MicroSim Corporation, Irvine, CA, 1995. M&A = Semiconductor Device Modeling with SPICE, 2nd ed., by Paolo Antognetti and Giuseppe Massobrio, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993. **M&K = Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 2nd ed., by Richard S. Muller and Theodore I. Kamins, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1986. *Semiconductor Physics and Devices, by Donald A. Neamen, Irwin, Chicago, 1997 ©rlc L37-04May2011

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