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1 What is the relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment

2 Introduction/Background
Every organization has leaders and followers Leaders make a difference Commitment makes all the difference (in the world) Avolio, Zhu, Koh, Bhatia, (2004); Allen & Meyer (1996); Rai & Sinha (2000).

3 Statement of the Problem
Research establishing relationships between leadership styles and organizational commitment already exists, but little research across business sectors Current literature limited to employees within a single company; No studies have used social media to gather data across organizations Cite article stating above (ex: Judge et al., 2002)

4 Purpose of the Study To examine the relationship between transformational leadership style and follower commitment across organizations/professions when controlling for leader’s gender, followers’ age, gender, and tenure., since you are going to gather info across organizations and professions, you should control for these variables, as well. Something like Type or Size of Organization, and then Profession…we’ll need to think about how to structure question in your demographic questionnaire….

5 Research Questions

6 Research Question 1 Is there a relationship between a leader’s Full Range Leadership Styles (Transformational, Transactional and Passive) and a Followers’ Affective Commitment when controlling for the leader’s gender and followers’ age, gender, and tenure, org type, org size and follower’s profession/job? So, for example, you might have a person with the following data: Org type: Health care Org Size: Large (greater than ____ employees) Profession: RN

7 Research Question 2 Is there a relationship between a leader’s Full Range Leadership Styles (Transformational, Transactional and Passive) and a Followers’ Continuance Commitment when controlling for the leader’s gender and followers’ age, gender, and tenure org type, org size and follower’s profession/job?

8 Research Question 3 Is there a relationship between a leader’s Full Range Leadership Styles (Transformational, Transactional and Passive) and a Followers’ Normative Commitment when controlling for the leader’s gender and followers’ age, gender, and tenure org type, org size and follower’s profession/job?

9 Variables

10 Independent Variables
Controls Transformational leadership style Leader’s Gender Followers’ : Age (continuous variable) Gender (categorical variable) Tenure (continuous variable) Organization Type (categorical) Organization Size (categorical) Profession (categorical) Inspirational Motivation Idealized Influence Intellectual Stimulation Individualized Consideration

11 Dependent Variables Follower Commitment Affective Commitment
Continuance Commitment Normative Commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1993)


13 Summary of Literature Review to date
Follower’s perceptions of leader’s Transformational Leadership style and follower’s commitment. Studies on follower’s perceptions of leader’s transformational leadership style and follower’s commitment indicate a positive and significant relationship between the two. Follower’s perceptions of Leader’s Transformational leadership style and leader’s gender. Women are rated more transformational then men Remember distinction between leader’s gender and follower’s gender, though… Follower’s organizational commitment and tenure. The relationship between OC and tenure was noted to be stronger for oldest tenure subgroup. Azman, Al-Banna, Zaidi, Hamran & Hanim, (2011); Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & van Engen, (2003); Cohen, (1993)

14 Follower’s perceptions of Leader’s Transformational Leadership style and Follower’s gender
Findings are mixed, but meta-analyses of studies suggest women are more transformational than men, especially in supporting subordinates. Again, this is how the leader’s gender is related to the leader’s style…you need to also add how the follower’s gender is related to how the follower rates the leader’s style. Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & van Engen, (2003).


16 Instruments Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ-5X short (MLQ)
Followers rated leaders Organizational Commitment Questionaire Followers rated own commitment Add some info on reliability and validity for this scale, since it is relatively unknown to dept faculty (Bass & Avolio, (2004); Meyer & Allen, (1997)

17 Demographic Survey Demographic Survey-used to gather information from followers: Leader’s Gender (categorical variable) Follower’s Age (continuous variable) Follower’s Gender (categorical variable) Follower’s Tenure (continuous variable) Organization Type (categorical variable) Organization Size (categorical variable) Follower’s Profession (categorical variable)

18 OCQ 18 items (6 items for each scale)
Affective commitment Continuance commitment Normative commitment Several studies have shown that the three commitment constructs could be reliably measured. The OCQ has been shown to have validity across various cultural contexts. Meyer & Allen, (1997); Meyer, Allen & Smith (1997); Garg & Ramjee, (2013).

19 MLQ Delete this slide MLQ- Transformational Leadership Style
Inspirational Motivation Idealized Influence Intellectual Stimulation Individualized Consideration (Bass & Avolio, 2004)

20 MLQ MLQ A 45-question survey; one of most respected and efficient instruments used to measure leadership styles of the Full Range Leadership Model (This study will only use the 20 questions to measure transformational leadership) Likert scale measures from 0 to 4 The reliability ranges from .74 to .94 (Bass & Avolio, 2000)

21 Sample Participants: Family, Friends, and Strangers
??? surveys collected; ??? were usable Sample of convenience/snowball sample Survey requests posted on social media: Facebook, personal contacts, requesting contacts to do the same. consent form – filled out by followers (family, friends and strangers posted on monkey survey) demographic survey – filled out by followers MLQ – followers rated current immediate supervisor OCQ – followers rated self

22 Sample Surveys collected over a two week period- you may need to modify this… N will vary for variables; not all participants may answer all survey questions

23 Research Design Significant findings from regression may
Prompted (prompt) further analysis. Partial Correlations t-tests

24 Ethical Considerations
Informed consent Anonymous No costs No risks IRB approved

25 Limitations Initial start of data collection limited to personal contacts

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