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a heart like yours Turn your sound Click to go What would happen if one day Jesus should become of you?

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2 a heart like yours Turn your sound Click to go

3 What would happen if one day Jesus should become of you?

4 What if twenty-four hours Jesus rose from his bed, walk with your shoes, lives in his house, and follow your schedule? His boss was the head of Him, his mother would be the mother of Him, their pain would be His wounds? With one exception, nothing in your life changes. His health does not change. Your circunstances do not change. Your schedule does not change. Their problems are not solved. Only a change occurs.

5 What if, one day and one night, Jesus lives your life with His heart? The heart that you have chest has the day off and your life is ruled by the heart of Christ. His priorities governing their actions. His passions drive your decisions.The love of Christ directs his conduct.

6 How would it be? People would notice any changes? His family would something new? His coworkers would notice any difference? How about the less fortunate? treat them the same way? That just your friends? Detected more joy? How about your enemies? Receive more mercy from the heart of Christ is his?

7 And you? How would you feel? What this change would alter their level of tension? In his appearance? In his tantrums? I would sleep better? Would see the setting of the sun different? Death? Taxes? Need less aspirin and tranquilizers? How about his reaction to delays in traffic? (It hurts, no?) Fear that today still fear? Better yet, continue doing what you're doing?

8 Do what you planned for the next twenty-four hours? Stick to your schedule and think about. Obligations, meetings, outings, appointments. With Jesus taking hold of your heart,would change anything?

9 Keep thinking about this for a moment. Adjust the lens of his imagination until you have a clear picture of Jesus guiding your life, then press the shutter and shoot the picture. What you see is what God wants? He wants you to think and act like Jesus Christ (see Philippians 2:5)

10 God's plan is nothing less than a new heart. If you were a car, God would want to control your motor. If it were a computer, God would control programs and the hard disk. If it were an airplane, would sit in the cockpit. But you're a person, then God wants to change his heart.

11 Paul says: "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new man (Which is having a new heart), which after God is created in real righteousness and holiness "(Ephesians 4.23-24).

12 God wants you to be like Jesus. Whether you have a heart like His. I'll take a risk. It is dangerous to summarize in a single statement great truths, but I'll try to do it. If a sentence or two could capture the desire of God for each one of us would say the following:

13 God loves you as you are, but refuses to leave it that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus.

14 Open your heart to Jesus Have a blessed day Credits: Formatting : Wesley Simões (Brazil) Text: Part of the book Just like Jesus Max Lucado Music: A heart like yours (Diante do trono) P/contact: (Click here) (Click here) More posts : (Click here) (Click here)

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