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Grammar: Describing things using: Whats … made of? Whats … like? How + adjective + is it?

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar: Describing things using: Whats … made of? Whats … like? How + adjective + is it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar: Describing things using: Whats … made of? Whats … like? How + adjective + is it?

2 Whats … made of? We use this question, when we are interested in knowing the MATERIAL a thing is made of. E.g. Whats your jacket made of? It is made of leather.

3 We use this question, to ask about a persons appearance or qualities of something. E.g. Whats your jacket like? It is really nice, comfortable and it has a lot of compartments. Whats … like?

4 How … is it? We use this question, when we want to know about an specific quantity or quality of something. E.g. How good at basquetball are you? I am not very good, I need to practice.

5 Whats … made of?

6 Whats … like?

7 How … is it?

8 Complete the next excercise using: how and what. 1. _________ long are your pants? 2. _________ is your blouse made of? 3. What are your shoes ________ of? 4. _________ short is your skirt? 5. Whats your jetski __________?

9 Whats … made of? Materials. Whats … like? Appearance. How + adjective + is it? Quality/quantity.

10 The End. Thank you.

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