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Mark Rosenberg, MD and Becca Hawkins, ARNP

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Rosenberg, MD and Becca Hawkins, ARNP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cornerstones of Compassion: Foundation of Caring for Ourselves and Others
Mark Rosenberg, MD and Becca Hawkins, ARNP Directors of Compassionate Care Providence St Joseph Health

2 Faculty Disclosures: No Conflicts No Disclosures
Mark Rosenberg and Becca Hawkins have no disclosures or conflicts of interest

3 Objectives Explore the connection between compassion and burnout
Recognize Compassion Cornerstones as a potential avenue for building resilience in self and/or team Experience how Compassion Cornerstones could be put into practice

4 Shared Trauma

5 Suffering in Healthcare
“Everyone alive has suffered. It is the wisdom gained from our wounds and from our own experiences of suffering that makes us able to heal. Expertise cures, but wounded people can best be healed by other wounded people. Only other wounded people, can understand what is needed, for the healing of suffering is compassion, not expertise ” Naomi Rachel Remen MD

6 Our Premise: Caregiver suffering in healthcare is inevitable
Suffering leads to burnout Resilience is possible through compassion Compassionate leaders support compassionate teams

7 Organizational Wellbeing
Suffering Burnout Compassion Resilience

8 Compassion “A deep feeling of connectedness with the suffering of others, that results in caring that aspires to bring comfort to the sufferer” Dewar 2013, J. Comparative Effectiveness Research

9 Compassion-Suffering Paradigm
Avoidance Behaviors Less Renewal Less Compassion Less Resilience

10 Lack of Accomplishment
Burnout Symptoms Burnout Exhaustion Cynicism Lack of Accomplishment

11 What Causes Burnout in Your Team?

12 Burnout Rates In Hospice and Palliative Care
Clinicians Burnout Rates Physicians 62% All Other 66% Most suffered from emotional exhaustion Factors associated with highest burnout Smaller organization Long work hours Less than 50 years Working weekends Kamal, 2016, J Pain Symptom Management

13 Compassion Cornerstones
Self- Compassion Finding Meaning Connection Teams Individual Wellbeing Mindful Pause Gratitude Hawkins & Rosenberg, 2017

14 Compassion Cornerstones In Practice
Self-Compassion Finding Meaning Mindful Pause Gratitude

15 Cornerstones for Self and Team
Increased Team Cohesiveness Improved Individual Coping and Resilience Life Practices for Work and Home Facilitating Authentic Connection

16 Gratitude

17 Benefits of Gratitude Rewires the brain toward positivity
(Aloge, Fredrickson & Gable, 2013) Improves our relationships (Amin, 2014) Increases sense of wellbeing (Chih-Che, 2017) (Cheng, Tsui & Lam, 2015) Increases optimism (Lashani, Shaeiri, et al. 2012)

18 Gratitude In Unlikely Moments

19 Real Time: Gratitude When What Why Starting Your Day Safety Huddles
Write 3 things you are grateful for Trigger the brain to look for positive Safety Huddles Express gratitude for work that has gone well Remind ourselves all of the goodness we do daily Team Meetings Create space for people to express gratitude for each other Improve team unity and appreciation

20 Mindful Pause

21 Why Pause? Helps us regain our inner strength
Allows us to defuse stress and tension Helps us transition from one situation to the next Helps us respond rather than react May reduce feelings of burnout Renewal Caring Calmness Presence

22 A Mindful Pause

23 Real Time: Mindful Pause
When What Why Washing Hands 3 deep breaths Letting go of what came before Logging into Computer Notice rhythm of typing the log-in and password Strengthening calm before EPIC Leaving for the Day Standing in doorway Express gratitude for three things that went well today

24 Finding Meaning:

25 Finding Meaning In….. Life Play Moment Work

26 Finding Meaning How it Feels How it is Lived Having Lost “Meaning”
Time feels infinite Deep sense of gratitude and grounding Aligned in values and actions Balanced in heart and mind Motivated by connection and sense of service Think and do without feeling Feel too busy and overextended Protect and defend Look for direction and validation


28 Reflective Exercise Recall a moment at work that filled you with a sense of meaning and purpose

29 Real Time: Finding Meaning
When What Why In Conversation Remember something that is important to the other person Noticing the outward connections that create meaning In Work & Play Before an activity, reflect on “why” you are spending time doing it Connecting inwardly to our purpose and heart Every Day Search out a moment of “awe” each day Recognize, with humility, our place in the universe

30 Self -Compassion

31 Self-Compassion Self-compassion is extending compassion to one's self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering Kristen Neff, PhD

32 Components of Self-Compassion
“We must achieve and combine these three essential elements in order to be truly self-compassionate” Self- Kindness Common Humanity Mindfulness Kristin Neff, PhD

33 Strengthening Self-Compassion
Recognize what is going on; Allow the experience to be there, just as it is; Investigate with interest and care; Nourish with self-compassion Tara Brach PhD

34 Real Time: Self-Compassion
When What Why You gained weight Stop the negative talk in your head Actively comfort yourself To practice Self Kindness, and stop the self critic Made a mistake Remind yourself that you are human Practice in recognizing your humanity Recognize our humanity, which means we are imperfect Had an argument with a loved one Notice your feelings of anger Feel your anger as an emotion and not who you are Practice mindfulness so that you don’t react

35 Bringing Compassion To Life
Self- Compassion Finding Meaning Connection Teams Individual Wellbeing Mindful Pause Gratitude Hawkins & Rosenberg, 2017

36 Implementation Strategy
Cornerstone Kits Content Powerpoint Reflections Team Activities Individual Activities Inspiration Cards Bulletin Board Ideas U-Tube Video Calendar of Ideas Assessment (Pre and Post) Resource List (books, articles, etc.) Motivate Leaders Identify Team Champions Provide Training for Champions Personal Skill Development Unique Implementation Plan Cornerstone Kits

37 “Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded
“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity” Pema Chodron

38 To Contact Us: Compassion Team:
Becca Hawkins, MSN, ARNP Director, Compassionate Care Mark Rosenberg, MD, FACP Laura Chun, MPM, PMP Manager, Compassionate Care Krista Nelson, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C Connecting Conversations Program

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