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Introduction to the French and Indian War

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the French and Indian War"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the French and Indian War
In North America the French and Indian War changed the future of the continent. It was a war fought to answer one question: who will control North America—England or France?

2 War in the New World In North America, Four wars were fought between England & France from 1689 to 1763. King William’s War (1689 to 1697) Queen Anne’s War (1702 to 1713) King George’s War (1744 to 1748) French & Indian War (1754 to 1763)

3 Who’s Fighting Who? Versus France, French Colonists, France’s Indian
Allies England, English Colonists England’s Indian Allies Versus

4 France YES! This is France.

5 England YES! This is England.

6 Controlling North America
Conflict Over Territory New France War in the New World Religious Differences Control Fur Trade 13 British Colonies Controlling North America Causes Of War French & Indian War Indians Advantages England’s Allies England France France’s Allies

7 This concludes our introduction to the
French & Indian War

8 New France

9 13 English Colonies

10 Religious Differences
There was no religious freedom in New France. In order to live in New France you had to be Catholic.

11 Conflict Over Territory
France and England were both claiming the same territory.

12 Control of Fur Trade France was extremely interested in the fur trade and the money it brought. When English traders began buying furs from Native Americans and paying high prices for those furs, it made France angry. It hurt their fur business.

13 Control Fur Trade

14 French Allies Most of the French colonists were trappers, traders, and fishermen—like the Native Americans. The French could count on help from the Huron and the Algonquin Indians.

15 England’s Allies Great Britain knew it needed Indian allies if it was going to win the war. In order to gain control of North America, England had to convince the powerful Iroquois Indians to fight on their side.

16 Advantages For France France controlled access to the interior of North America. New France had a single colonial government that could act quickly. France sent ships and professional soldiers to America rather than depend on military help from its colonists. The French could count on help from such loyal Indian allies as the Huron and the Algonquin.

17 Advantages For England
The population of the British colonies was far greater than the population of New France. The British colonies, concentrated along the Atlantic coast, were easier to defend. As permanent settlers, English colonists were fighting to save their homes and land.

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