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“Good Night, and Good Luck”

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Presentation on theme: "“Good Night, and Good Luck”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Good Night, and Good Luck”
Tuesday October 18th “Good Night, and Good Luck”

2 Agenda Announcements Summative Retake Schedule
Viewing Rules & Procedures “Good Night, and Good Luck”: Day 1

3 Tomorrow (10/19) Tomorrow most of this hallway this hallway and the entire 5 1-A hallway will be closed for 10th grade PSAT testing. This will affect 1st – 5th periods tomorrow. Periods 1 – 5 need to report to room tomorrow If you forget, Mrs. Stach will be posted up outside of the hallway to send you where you need to be. This is only for tomorrow.

4 Summative Remediation
Socratic Debate: If you received a score of 69 or below, you may remediate this assignment. Choose ONE of the seven topics we discussed and draft a full argumentative essay based on the research criteria listed on the rubric sheet. This is due by the end of the day Thursday (10/20) VLT #1: If you scored a 7 (70 in Gradebook) then you may remediate. I will have the laptop cart tomorrow and Wednesday, here is the lunch schedule: Today: Office Hours 1st, 2nd, & 4th period Tomorrow: Office Hours 5th, 6th, & 7th period Vocab Final: If you scored a 69 or below you may remediate. Vocab Final makeups will occur Thursday during OFFICE HOURS only.

5 “Good Night, and Good Luck”
The Study Questions will be due Friday (10/21) You may either complete them while you watch, or after on your own time. While the movie is playing, please do not: Talk (about things other than the movie) Sleep Play on your phone Remember: Movies are a gift and gifts can be taken away. These next few days can quite easily become essay writing and reading days!

6 VLT Remediation Open your original document
Scroll down to the bottom of your essay, and hit the “enter” button until you’re on a blank page below your essay. Title that page “VLT Remediation” You are to: EITHER, rewrite your intro OR conclusion paragraph. Rewrite all of your body paragraphs so that they include (or in some cases add more): Evidence from source articles Supporting details/elaboration Rhetoric When you have finished your essay to

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