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Tolani Commerce College, Adipur- Kachchh

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1 Tolani Commerce College, Adipur- Kachchh
The Simple Past Tense Mr. Kalpesh V. Machhar Adhyapak Sahayak Tolani Commerce College, Adipur- Kachchh

2 Look at these sentences:
It was Sunday yesterday. I posted the letters yesterday. We stayed at Kanpur for two weeks.

3 The Simple Past Tense is used to express actions that took place at some time in the past and are over now.

4 This tense also expresses some past habit:
We usually went to the school by bus. She never worked at night. Note: When we want to suggest some past habit , we often use words like usually, generally, always, sometimes, frequently, never, often with the simple past tense.

5 Singular Plural First Person Second Person Third Person I was I had
We were We had Second Person You were You had Third Person He was / He had She was / She had It was / It had A boy was A boy had They were They had Boys were Boys had

6 Sentence Pattern Subject + past form of the verb+ object+ other words Examples: He drove his car very fast. She spoke English fluently. The ship sank into the ocean. My friends brought presents for me. I met his father yesterday. .

7 Negative Sentences: Subject+ did+ not+ root form of the verb+ object+ other words Examples: Rohit drove the car carefully. Rohit did not drive the car carefully. They played hockey in the evening. They did not play hockey in the evening. You sang songs. You did not sing songs.

8 Interrogative Sentences:
Did+ Subject+ root form of the verb+ object + other words+ ? Examples: Ketan spoke English very well. Did Ketan speak English very well? Mr. Yogesh Dave taught Hindi. Did Mr. Yogesh Dave teach Hindi? They drew pictures . Did they draw pictures ?

9 Wh-Questions: Who sold flowers? What did they buy yesterday? Where did he go yesterday? Why did she buy a purse? Which bag did you bring? Whom did you meet yesterday? When did your father come home? How many cups did he break? How much water did he drink? How did you draw this design?

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