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Leaving Certificate- Traditional

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1 Leaving Certificate- Traditional
March 2018

2 What is required of a LC student:
It’s the 1st year of the Leaving Certificate programme!!! 2-3 hours work per night Diligence required Attendance essential

3 Subjects available: Accounting Agricultural Science Art Biology
Business Chemistry Construction Studies DCG Engineering French Geography History Home Economics Music Physics Religion

4 Along with English, Irish & Maths…..
Subject groups: Language French Science Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science Business Business, Accounting Practical Engineering, Construction, DCG Creative Art, Music Home Economics Humanities History, Geography, Religion Along with English, Irish & Maths….. take 4 of the above!

5 What is a good way to choose?
Keep options open. Consider subjects you are good at. Consider subjects you are interested in. Subjects required for the area(s) you are interested in. List in order of preference

6 How to find out subject content:
Talk, question and listen to the subject teacher about what is in the subject at Leaving Cert. What to study> Leaving Certificate subjects Link: 9PMHysWBI

7 How to find out what subjects are required in certain areas
To find out necessity of specific subjects: Students> Useful tools> Minimum Subject Requirements> LC Subjects Link: &view=wrapper&Itemid=26

8 Implications of not taking certain subjects:
If you do not have a subject that is deemed ‘Essential’ for entry you will not get into that course. Two year rule exists. Example: H4 Chemistry= Dentistry UCC; Dietetics DIT Please refer to Qualifax for details of this!! Students> Useful tools> Min. subject requirements> LC subjects

9 The 3rd language…. 3rd language= ‘all languages available in the LC and all EU languages’ (source: NUI Matriculation Regulations). Link: We are not producing enough language graduates!!! Check college literature or websites for details of specific subject or course requirements

10 The 3rd language…. Needed for: Not needed for: UCC, UCD, NUI Galway,
Arts Faculty Commerce Faculty Law Faculty Medicine Faculty (excl. Nursing) Veterinary Science Maynooth University Architecture UCD NCAD St Angela’s, Sligo RCSI Shannon College of Hotel Management Courses with a language e.g. Law & French CHECK COLLEGE WEBSITES FOR DETAILS!!!! Institutes of Technology (English or Irish) DCU (English or Irish) UL,incl.MIC, & TCD (require English & another language) NCAD- if presenting Art Any Nursing degree Maynooth University: Business, Accounting, Finance & Law UCC, UCD, NUIG, MU: Science Faculty Engineering Faculty

11 Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

12 What is LCVP? An additional ‘subject’ students can take along with their 7 chosen LC subjects. The focus is on the Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education Topics include: Local enterprises- visits in/ out Set up own mini enterprise Legislation Job seeking skills- CVs, formal letters/ s, job applications Work Experience Meetings Teamwork & Leadership

13 How many classes per week?
LC1: 1 hour per week LC2: 2 hours per week

14 How is it assessed? Written Exam= 40% Marks CV Enterprise Plan
Portfolio= 60% Marks Written Exam= 40% Marks CV Enterprise Plan Career Investigation Summary Report Work Experience Diary Recorded Interview Wednesday May 2rd 2018 2.5 hours 3 sections: Audio Visual Case Study General Questions

15 Certification & Points:
Distinction= %- 66 points Merit= % points Pass= % points (revised scheme came into effect in 2017) NOTE: While it is recognised for points purposes, for NUI courses & many level 8 programmes, it does not count as one of the six subjects acceptable for matriculation.


17 Can any student study LCVP?
Once you have a matching pair from the Vocational Subject Groupings…..

18 Vocational Subject Groupings (VSGs)
Specialist Groupings 1 Construction Studies; Engineering; Design and Communication Graphics; Technology  - Any Two  2 Physics and Construction Studies or Engineering or Technology or Design & Communication Graphics 3 Agricultural Science and Construction Studies or Engineering or Technology or Design & Communication Graphics 4 Agricultural Science and Chemistry or Physics or Physics/Chemistry  5 Home Economics; Agricultural Science; Biology - Any Two 6 Home Economics and Art - Design Option or Craft Option 7 Accounting; Business; Economics - Any two   8 Physics and Chemistry 9 Biology and Chemistry or Physics or Physics/Chemistry 10 Biology and Agricultural Science 11 Art - Design Option or Craft Option and Design & Communication Graphics Services Groupings 12 Engineering or Technology or Construction Studies or Design & Communication Graphics and Accounting or Business orEconomics 13 Home Economics and Accounting or Business or Economics 14 Agricultural Science and Accounting or Business or Economics 15 Art  Design or Craftwork Option and Accounting or Business or Economics 16 Music and Accounting or Business or Economics

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