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The Great War: Causes of the War

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1 The Great War: Causes of the War
Cause 1— European Alliances Cause 2 — Imperialism

2 The effect of Pan-Slavism
Pan-Slavism: a movement trying to bring about the unity of all Slav nations Slavic: a group of people found in central and eastern Europe In A-H millions of Czechs, Slovaks and Croats wanted the freedom to speak their own language and practice their own customs — the “minority ethnic groups” hated their rulers and looked to Russia to help protect them A-H wanted to control the Slavic people in its own empire without other countries interfering Balkan League (Ser/Bulg/Gre/Monte attack and defeat Turkey 1912 Bulg attacks Serb/Gre Serbia doubles territory

3 Alsace-Lorraine Why this piece of land?
previously Germany had taken it off of France (1871) Raw materials French Pride (taken off of French after defeat in Franco-Prussian war)

4 What are the implications of war for Africa?
European Expansion What are the implications of war for Africa?

5 Cause 3— The arms race “If the German fleet becomes superior to ours, the German army can conquer this country.” - Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Secretary Dreadnought— the name of a British battleship that entered service in 1906 — it became a general name for all ships of the era

6 Arms race: Naval race Germany built 17 dreadnoughts, 5 battlecruisers by aug 1914 Britain built 24 dreadnoughts and 10 battlecruisers The arms race was simply a race to be armed with modern warfare equipment and to increase the nations army

7 New technology Machine gun -1869
TNT for artillery and naval shells ’s US Navy submarine 75mm gun, firing 30 rounds/ minute -1898 Dreadnought Aircraft dropping grenades

8 Cause 4- Trade rivalries
By 1914 European countries had many colonies because: provide food and raw materials market for investment and industrial products provide soldiers in war times strategic position allowing mother country to protect interests abroad Kaiser Wilhelm II -he wanted to expand the German empire after 1871

9 LONG TERM CAUSES SHORT TERM CAUSES Empire Rivalry Alsace and Lorraine Trade Rivalry Naval arms race Pan-Slavism Alliances Trouble in the Balkans

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