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Biology: the study of living things

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1 Biology: the study of living things

2 Characteristics of Life
Made of cells Cell: basic unit of life Unicellular organisms consist of a single cell Multicellular organisms consist of a collection of specialized cells

3 Characteristics of Life
Reproduce Sexual: two cells from parents unite to form a new, unique organism Asexual: organism splits to form two identical organisms Based on a universal genetic code The same chemical code determines the traits of all life on Earth

4 Characteristics of Life
Grow & develop Have a distinctive life cycle Need energy Autotrophs: make energy from the sun (plants) Heterotrophs: eat other organisms (animals, fungi)

5 Characteristics of Life
Respond to the environment Maintain an internal balance Homeostasis: keeping internal conditions relatively stable -- i.e. temperature, pH, oxygen levels, blood sugar, etc. Evolve As a group, organisms change over time to better fit their environments Change is necessary for survival in an ever-changing world.

6 You can’t study living things without taking into account the living and non-living aspects of their environment. Biotic: living--once living--organic Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, etc. Abiotic: nonliving--not of life--inorganic Oxygen, carbon, water, climate/weather, wind, sunlight temperature

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