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Diary Dates and key info

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1 Diary Dates and key info
Mr. Wilson Year 4 – Spring Notes Welcome back! I hope you’ve had a fantastic Christmas and enjoyed the break. The children have been doing great so far and I am so proud of all their achievements! We have a busy half term, with lots of fun things to learn. Maths English This half term we will be focusing on fractions with a link to decimals. We will learn to recognise equivalent fractions, how to add and subtract fractions and how to convert between fraction amounts and decimals. This half term the children will write in a variety of different styles, based around our topic Predators. We will start by researching a predator and writing a non-chronological report about it. Furthermore, the children will start reading ‘The Twits’ as their new class book . Topic & Science Science : Animals and Habitats Topic: Predators is a science based topic with lots of opportunities for children to learn about animals and their environments. We will look at how these animals fit within food chain and food web. Furthermore, we will use computing and coding to generate our own predator and prey computer game. Homework Diary Dates and key info Weekly homework will be sent home every Friday and must be returned by the following Friday. This will include spellings, writing, maths and a challenge activity. Please note this is new for this school year. All children MUST be reading everyday for at least 15 minutes. Swimming every Monday afternoon. Please bring a £2 contribution York Bird of Prey Centre visit - 24th January 2018 PE is now every Thursday

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