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'Bring one in & bring one back we can all go back.'

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Presentation on theme: "'Bring one in & bring one back we can all go back.'"— Presentation transcript:

1 'Bring one in & bring one back we can all go back.'
Cro eso Welcome 'Bring one in & bring one back so we can all go back.'

2 Context & Overview In January 2019, Church members around the world will begin using three new resources. They are designed to support gospel learning and teaching at home and at church.

3 Merthyr Tydfil Wales Stake




7 What are the guiding principles?

8 Home Centred Church Supported
The home is the best place to live, learn, and teach the gospel (see 3 Nephi 17:3; D&C 68:25) Classes at church support us in living, learning, and teaching the gospel (see Moroni 6:4–5) Our gospel learning and teaching should be part of our daily lives (see Deuteronomy 6:6–7; Acts 17:11) Teachers inspire learners to experience the power of God’s word for themselves (see Alma 32:27–30) Studying the scriptures will bring power into our lives (see 2 Nephi 32:3; Alma 17:2–3; Helaman 3:29–30) Teachers help learners discover gospel truths in the scriptures and invite them to share their insights (see D&C 88:122)

9 How will these new resources bless the lives of individuals and families in the Merthyr Tydfil Wales Stake?

10 Insert Video

11 What is the purpose of the resource Come, Follow Me – for Individuals and Families?
Increase the frequency and improve the quality of our efforts - as an individual and as a family - to live, learn, and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Deepen our doctrinal understanding of the scriptures. Enhance our experience learning the gospel at church.

12 How do we make our homes the centre of gospel living, learning, and teaching?
What blessings come to individuals, families, and the Church when the home is the centre of gospel living, learning, and teaching? What do you see in these resources that would help you or your family?

13 Insert Video

14 What is the purpose of the resource Come, Follow Me – for Sunday School?
Support and encourage gospel learning in the home. Engage class members in meaningful discussions about the scriptures. Help class members understand and apply the doctrine in the scriptures.

15 What do you notice about the role of learners in this new curriculum?
Why is it important that teachers encourage and build on gospel learning at home? How do we make sure our classes focus on understanding doctrine?

16 Insert Video

17 What is the purpose of the resource Come, Follow Me – for Primary?
Teach children principles drawn from accounts in the scriptures. Encourage more sharing by children. Reinforce what children are learning at home.

18 How can teachers build a stronger connection between what the children learn at home and what they learn in Primary? What are the benefits of encouraging children to share more? What difference do you notice between this new curriculum and current Primary classes?

19 What other questions do we have that will assist us in implementing ‘Come, Follow Me’ in the Merthyr Tydfil Wales Stake?

20 Europe Area and Merthyr Tydfil Wales Stake
“Invite all of God’s children, on both sides of the veil, to come unto their Saviour, receive the blessings of the holy temple, have enduring joy & qualify for eternal life.”

21 The ‘Come, Follow Me’ resources are designed to support gospel learning and teaching at home and at church.

22 Diol ch Thank You Please have a safe journey home
'Bring one in & bring one back so we can all go back.' Please have a safe journey home

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