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Universal Data Element Framework (UDEF)

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Presentation on theme: "Universal Data Element Framework (UDEF)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Universal Data Element Framework (UDEF)
Semantic DNS and a Disaster Response Pilot Use Case Ron Schuldt, Chair The Open Group UDEF Forum November 10, 2005

2 Agenda The Problem The UDEF UDEF as the Semantic DNS
The Open Group UDEF participants UDEF current status The problem and associated UDEF business value What the UDEF is and what it is not A brief description of the UDEF The six basic steps to map enterprise data to the UDEF A metadata managed architecture that UDEF supports UDEF as the Semantic DNS The UDEF Disaster Response Pilot Use Case A brief description of a UDEF pilot to support disaster response teams Video clip of the UDEF disaster response pilot demo at The Open Group Semantic Interoperability Conference in Houston on October 20, 2005 Semantic DNS registry demo

3 The Problem

4 Problem – Global Perspective
Each organization is attempting to set its own semantics standard Each must interface with organizations they do not control Elec Banks Chem Aero DoD Trans Organization NASA DHS Other Ship Retail The problem is the lack of common semantics and schema between organizations

5 Problem – Supply Chain Perspective
Today’s reality… point-to-point solutions introduce excessive cost, complexity and time Examples of gaps and/or inefficiencies: Increasing number of unique portals adding cost to suppliers Multiple, redundant, incompatible “portal systems” Incompatibilities in information exchange contribute to delay, rework, and error Excessive cost, complexity and time impeding supply chain agility Supply Chain Perspective Cost of a single interface ranges from $10K to $1M depending on scope and complexity ~ N (N-1) mapping problem & expense Industry Members Business Partners Contractor Government Customer excessive cost, complexity and time Public Exchange Commercial Customer OEM n-Tier Supplier Tier-1 Supplier Logistics Provider

6 Problem – Internal Perspective
Conflicting semantic overlaps between back-office systems App A App B App C Other Apps Legacy Data Though semantically equal, the following are 4 different XML tag names <PARTNUMBER> </PARTNUMBER> <partNumber> </partNumber> <PartNumber> </PartNumber> <partnumber> </partnumber>

7 The Legacy Applications Issue
Across the globe there are millions of legacy applications that need to be Web enabled – in preparation for Web Services and SOA XML and associated W3C standards address the syntax requirements but an adopted semantics standard does not exist yet Users of the legacy applications consistently resist changing the names of the fields The semantics solution needs to be non-intrusive to the application user

8 The UDEF

9 The Open Group UDEF Participants
The Open Group Staff Lockheed Martin Unicorn Safyre Solutions IBM Raytheon Boeing Capgemini SICoP BEA Systems Adobe Contivo Cemantica OMG OAGi NDIA-AFEI GEIA CompTIA W3C Semantic Web RosettaNet POSC SWIFT Dublin Core Metadata Global Exchange Services Chevron Texaco Proctor & Gamble Northrop Grumman SAIC ManTech MITRE Envision Metamatrix Ericsson DLA Canadian Government Penn State University And others

10 UDEF Current Status As of May 2005, UDEF Officially Adopted by The Open Group Goal - establish the UDEF as the universally-used categorization system for data Develop and maintain the UDEF as an open standard Advocate and promote it Put in place a technical infrastructure to support it Implement a Registry for it, and Set up education programs to train information professionals in its use. Actual UDEF Trees are Viewable Online UDEF Pilot Submitted to Federal Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP) To enable manufacturing industry to support disaster response teams Gain visibility to the highest levels of government and possibly (??) obtain funding

11 The Goal Reduce Requirements and Design-Time Phase Semantics Analysis Time and Cost Current Point-to-Point Approach --- n(n-1) Global Semantics Standard Approach --- 2n Global Semantics Standard 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 $$ Savings

12 UDEF Value Proposition
API 1 API 2 UDEF Value Typical Interface Build Tasks Analyze and document the business requirements. Analyze and document the data interfaces (design time) Compare data dictionaries Identify gaps Identify disparate forms of representation Perform data transformations as required at run time Transform those data that require it Sys 1 Sys 2 Reduces dependency on system expert Sys 1 Data Names UDEF ID Sys 2 Data Names PO Num d.t.2_ Order ID Date Ship 9_1.32.6 Ship Dt Allows automated compare Accept Loc i.0_ Accept Point Business Id 3_6.35.8 Company Code Ship From Bus ID 3_6.35.8 Ship From Code Reduce design time labor Ship To ID a.a.v.3_6.35.8 Ship To Code PO Line Num d.t.2_1.17.8 Order Line Part Num 9_9.35.8 Prod Number Part Descr 9_ Prod Descr Step toward automated transform Part Ser 9_ Prod Ser Ship Qty 9_10.11 Qty Ship Part UOM 9_1.18.4 Prod Unit Part Price 9_1.2.1 Prod Unit Price UID 9_54.8 Part UID

13 UDEF – Is and Is Not UDEF Is ……
A “loose coupling” method for integrating semantics across disparate systems Allows automation to help align disparate systems – thereby reducing the design-time phase that is typically manual A standards compliant rules-based naming convention Conforms to ISO/IEC and to ebXML Core Components Evolving to become a global open standard – a Semantic DNS UDEF Is Not …… A software application However, software applications need to adopt UDEF within their APIs Another data standard It acts as the glue to tie data standards together Another ontology It could help build the bridge between ontologies

14 UDEF Built on Standards
An Instantiation of ISO Naming Convention and Supports ebXML UDEF Object Class List Entity Document Enterprise Place Program Product Process Person Asset Law-Rule Environment Condition Liability Animal Plant Mineral Event ebXML Property List Amount Code Date Date Time Graphic Identifier Indicator Measure Name Percent Picture Quantity Rate Text Time Value Sound Video ISO Naming Convention Data Element Name Object Class Term 0...n qualifiers + 1 or more required Object Class Property Term 0..n qualifiers + 1 required Property + Example UDEF-Based Data Element Names Document Abstract Text Enterprise Name Product Price Amount Product Scheduled Delivery Date Engineering Design Process Cost Amount UDEF names follow the rules of English – qualifiers precede the word they modify

15 ISO/IEC 11179 – Data Element Concept
Value Domain Object Class Property Representation Core Application UDEF Maps Data Element Concepts

16 Creating UDEF IDs UDEF Trees 17 Object Class Trees 18 Property Trees …
1 2 1 4 Entity Asset Document Amount Code t 1 33 66 Order Region Type Defined a b c d Work Change Technical Purchase Purchase Order Document_Type Code has UDEF ID = d.t.2_33.4 See

17 Example Mappings Organizations cannot avoid multiple data standards
** Need global semantics standard ** PDM Sys A Part No OAGIS 7.1 ItemX X12 (EDI) Product/Service ID STEP AP 203 Product ID PDM Sys B Part Num RosettaNet ProprietaryProductIdentifier EDIFACT Item Number xCBL PartID 9_9.35.8 UDEF Universal Identifier Product(9)_Manufacturer(9).Assigned (35).Identifier(8) N (N-1) mapping effort instead becomes a 2N mapping effort

18 Mapping Concepts to UDEF
Identify the applicable UDEF property word that characterizes the dominant attribute (property) of the data element concept. For example, Name, Identifier, Date, etc. Identify the dominant UDEF object word that the dominant property (selected in step 1) is describing. For example, Person_Name, Product_Identifier, Document_Date, etc. By reviewing the UDEF tree for the selected property identified in step 1, identify applicable qualifiers that are necessary to unambiguously describe the property word term. For example, Last Name By reviewing the UDEF tree for the selected object identified in step 2, identify applicable qualifiers that are necessary to unambiguously describe the object word term. For example, Customer Person Concatenate the object term and the property term to create a UDEF naming convention compliant name where it is recognized that the name may seem artificially long. For example, Customer Person_Last Name Derive a structured ID based on the UDEF taxonomy that carries the UDEF inherited indexing scheme. For example <CustomerPersonLastName UDEFID=“as.5_5.10”>

19 A Metadata Managed Architecture
Interfaces to Back-Office Systems Vendors with Canonical Models Run Time EAI Transformation Engines UDEF-Indexed Metadata Registries Global UDEF Registry Internet Std Schema Use Matrices Data Dictionary Mapping Matrices Std XML Schema Design Time Interface Developers Extend Matrices Software Vendors with UDEF ID APIs Build/Extend Schema UDEF-Indexed Metadata Registry/Repository UDEF Change Board Web Public Data Modelers And Apps Developers Centralized metadata registry/repository Enables reuse to reduce costs Encourages standardization

20 UDEF – The Semantic DNS

21 A Few Example Domain Ontologies
The Semantic DNS UDEF Domain Concept Service Emergency Management Inventory Geographic Location Transportation Electrical Goods A Few Example Domain Ontologies

22 Realizing The UDEF Registry
UDEF Registry in Unicorn Unicorn Semantic Mapping Semantic Class Mapping UDEF Object UDEF Term Semantic Property Mapping UDEF Property

23 Realizing The UDEF Registry (Contd.)
UDEF Code Components and Mapping

24 UDEF Disaster Response Pilot Use Case

25 UDEF Pilot Participants
The Open Group Staff Lockheed Martin Unicorn Safyre Solutions

26 Pilot Summary Natural disaster response team shows up lacking batteries to operate GPS system and walkie-talkie for 200 search and rescue workers – need eight hundred 9-volt batteries to even begin the search and rescue effort Assumes that UDEF has been adopted globally and that UDEF IDs are exposed at company portals Goal – determine if resources might be available nearby within a manufacturer’s or supplier’s inventory Uses two UDEF tags (IDs) to locate available resources in a battery manufacturer’s inventory near the response team command center – an ad hoc query since formal interface not previously defined Use UDEF ID tags to support semantic integration of disparate procurement applications that use different purchase order semantics Leverage OASIS Emergency Management TC defined message wrappers Open Group UDEF Forum defines message content Two vendors currently involved – Unicorn and Safyre Solutions

27 Disaster Response Use Case
? ? ?

28 UDEF Disaster Response Architecture
Open Group Global UDEF Registry/Repository HTTP/XML Battery Manufacturers’ Industry UDEF Registry Two UDEF IDs in outbound message NineVolt.Lithium.Battery.PRODUCT_Inventory.QUANTITY a.a.aj.9_36.11 NineVolt.Lithium.Battery.PRODUCT_Postal.Zone.CODE a.a.aj.9_1.10.4

29 UDEF Disaster Response Video

30 Obtaining the Batteries

31 For Additional Information
ISO/IEC – Specification and standardization of data elements The OPEN GROUP UDEF Forum Web Site OASIS Emergency Management TC Web Site UDEF.ORG Web Site For Possible Follow-up Implementations - Contact Dr. Chris Harding – Ron Schuldt – Loren Osborn – Al Slater –

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