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Plant Biochemistry IUG, Fall 2018 Dr. Tarek Zaida.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Biochemistry IUG, Fall 2018 Dr. Tarek Zaida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Biochemistry IUG, Fall 2018 Dr. Tarek Zaida

2 Instructor: Dr. Tarek Zaida Contact:
Mobile : Office: C631 Office Hours: Sat: 9-10 & 13-14 Mon: 9-10 Wed: 9-10 & 11-12

3 Course Objectives Students should at the end of the course be able to:
1. Establish a solid knowledge regarding the plant life. 2. Distinguish between the molecular mechanisms of plant life and other organisms. 3. Characterize the different plant contents. 4. Determine the optimal nutritional-, environmental- conditions for plants. 5. Critically thinking and know how to solve problems.

4 Textbook Plant Biochemistry Hans-Walter Heldt Fiona Heldt, 2004

5 Evaluation: Different in- & out-class activities 14 Qizzes 16
Midterm 30 Final exam 40

6 Chapters 1- A leaf cell consists of several metabolic compartments 2- The use of energy from sunlight by photosynthesis is the basis of life on earth 3- Photosynthesis is an electron transport process 4- ATP is generated by photosynthesis 5- Mitochondria are the power station of the cell

7 6- The Calvin cycle catalyzes photosynthetic CO2 assimilation
7- In the photorespiratory pathway phosphoglycolate formed by the oxygenase activity of RubisCo is recycled 8- Photosynthesis implies the consumption of water 9- Gene Technology

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