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5 Themes 5 Themes Again! Geography Terms Longitude And Latitude.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Themes 5 Themes Again! Geography Terms Longitude And Latitude."— Presentation transcript:



3 5 Themes

4 5 Themes Again!

5 Geography Terms

6 Longitude And Latitude

7 Maps

8 Extra

9 5 Themes 5 Themes Again Geo Terms Long & Lat Maps Extra $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

10 Answers the questions “where is it?”

11 What is Location?

12 The five themes help us to understand this subject.

13 What is geography?

14 The theme of movement covers the transportation of these three things.

15 What are goods, Ideas, And people?

16 This photo is an example of this theme

17 What is Human- Environment Interaction?

18 having the following in common:
Can be defined by having the following in common: physical, Political, People, land, or history.

19 What is Region?

20 Answers the question: what is it like there?

21 What is place?

22 Absolute location is found using these.

23 What are longitude and latitude?

24 affect the Enviornment
Name one way people affect the Enviornment

25 What is: pollution, recycling, irrigation, etc.?

26 Movement involves what three things?

27 What are people, goods, and ideas.

28 This theme answers the question: What do these places have in common?

29 What is region?

30 Define hemisphere

31 What is half of The globe or earth?

32 Relative location Uses this to determine Where a place is

33 What are landmarks?

34 The theme that is best expressed by This picture

35 What is movement?

36 That shows size, shape, and Location of landmasses and bodies
A three dimensional Model of the earth That shows size, shape, and Location of landmasses and bodies Of water

37 What is a globe?

38 Absolute location Is written in this order.

39 What is latitude Followed by longitude?

40 latitude

41 What is the Equator?

42 longitude

43 What is the Prime Meridian?

44 Latitude lines run in this direction.

45 What is East to west?

46 Longitude and latitude
Are measured in this unit.

47 What are degrees (minutes and seconds)?

48 Latitude lines above the equator Lines below the equator
are labeled this way, Lines below the equator are labeled this way.

49 What is North (above) And South (below)?

50 This area on a map Tells you what the symbols mean

51 What is A legend?

52 This kind of map shows natural features like mountains.

53 What is a physical map?

54 This part of a map tells you direction like North and South.

55 What is a compass rose?

56 shows borders of places like countries and states.
This kind of map shows borders of places like countries and states.

57 What is a political map?

58 Shows the ratio on the map to The actual distance on the earth.

59 What is A scale?

60 The study Of the earth and People who live there.

61 What is Geography?

62 The two Types of location are these

63 What are Absolute And Relative

64 On a map, lines of Longitude run this way.

65 What is North to south?

66 The two types Of features that Help explain what A place is like.

67 What are Physical and human Features?

68 Why Geography helps Us to understand history.

69 Tells why people developed the way they did and why important events happened at certain times.

70 5 themes to tell about this picture.
Final Jeopardy Using three of the 5 themes to tell about this picture.

71 Answers will vary! Location - Arctic HEI – cold weather = thick clothes Eating seals, building houses out of ice Movement – sled dogs, canoe Place – cold, igloos, hills, glaciers Region – Tribal, arctic village

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