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The Houdini Project. The Houdini Project Escape Box Cross-Curricular Project.

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2 The Houdini Project

3 Escape Box Cross-Curricular Project

4 The Challenge Build an escape box with a theme and backstory related to any text read (or to be read) this year in English. The escape box must have 4 clues to solve, resulting in an electronic way to unlock the box. Persuade investors to invest in your idea through gameplay and aesthetics at a trade show.

5 The Clues One clue must be Math related.
One clue must be English related. One clue must include a 30 second video. The other clue can be based on anything you choose.

6 Math Requirements The clue must contain at least 3 pieces of information that are necessary to solve the problem. The clue must have participants needing to perform a task and not just solve a math problem. Make the story problem come to life. See example – Cannot be repeated (plagiarism) The clue must be solved at some point using exponential or logarithmic functions. 3 hints must be written that do not explain what to do, but help the participant understand the clue or find necessary missing information. A solution will be provided at the end of the game.

7 Math Requirements You will receive 4 grades for this project:
Basic Requirements Modeling with Mathematics Using Appropriate Tools Strategically Attending to Precision

8 English Requirements Elevator Pitch Backstory
Appearance of box accurately portrays an 11th grade text English related clue

9 Engineering/Mechatronics Requirements
Objective: Create a locking mechanism that will coordinate with four clues to unlock your box once all clues are solved. Deliverables: A box with your locking mechanism An engineering report that includes Sketches/Diagrams Schematics Timeline of Project

10 Engineering/Mechatronics Requirements
How you will be graded: Were the schematics properly represented? Did the timeline accurately depict the timing of the project? Was the report presented in an organized manner? Did the locking mechanism function as expected? Did the locking mechanism incorporate the clues?

11 Multimedia Requirements
Two short videos An introduction to the challenge using a talking head with a green screen background keyed out to a new environment. Must include an animated title at beginning with music that fits the theme of the escape cube. A 30 second short film clue for one of the challenges. Music and titles are required. Script and storyboard required. Appearance of cube itself. Must contribute to overall aesthetics to cube appearance Subtitles are required for all spoken parts!

12 Trade Show Wednesday, December 19th Deliverables
The escape box with 4 clues. Multimedia deliverable here

13 Individual Class Deadlines
English Back Story Due 12/4 English Clue+ 1 Other Clue 12/12 Elevator Pitch 12/14 Math Math Clue + 12/18 Engineering/Mech Schematics Complete 12/10 Trial Run – Everything must be working by 12/14 Complete Engineering Report 12/19 Multi Media Intro to cube Script due on 11/30 Clue script due 12/3 Video clue storyboard due 12/4 Green screen shot by 12/7 Video clue footage due 12/10 Both videos ready to show by 12/14

14 Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Nov 26 27 28
27 28 Project Roll Out Brainstorm theme, clue ideas 29 30 10th Grade Trade Show Dec 3 Work Day 4 Back Story Due to Luba 5 6 7 Math Clue Due & 1 free choice clue Dec 10 Schematics Due 11 English Clue Due & 1 free choice clue 12 13 14 TRIAL RUN – EVERYTHING is due – functioning and successful, Elevator Pitch Due Dec 17 18 19 TRADE SHOW Engineering Report Due 20 Clean Up & Reflection 21

15 Additional Information:
Report to your mentor’s room at 11:05 a.m. each work day for attendance and to receive the daily expectations Teams will work in the mentor rooms unless given permission to work elsewhere (computer labs, etc.). Sophomores still have class so please move through building without disturbing others. Teams will be required to fill out a Project Outline and assign tasks to be completed during work times. Be thorough when planning your days. Each room has their own project supplies. Be thoughtful when using items and make sure to return them as soon as possible for others to use.

16 Questions?

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