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Welcome to Potter & Blake Class

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Potter & Blake Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Potter & Blake Class
Teacher – Miss Nation & Miss Malone Teaching Assistant – Miss Jones & Miss Sellens

2 Daily Routine Gates open at 8.30 Doors open: 8.45
Pupils in class: 8.55 End of the day: ks1 15.05 ks2 We will walk pupils release children to you down the year 2 steps– if you wish to speak to one of us, please do so here. Daily Routine

3 Overview of the year 2017 - 2018 Term 1 – Hidden Heroes
Term 2 – Fire Fire! Term 3 – The Big Chill Term 4 – Turrets and Tiaras Term 5 – Beautiful Beanstalks Giants and Gardens Term 6 – Ahoy There! Overview of the year

4 Please hear your child read daily; at least 5 sessions per week
Please hear your child read daily; at least 5 sessions per week. Please sign the reading record each time. Ask searching questions about the events and characters to deepen comprehension. Every week we will check reading records for reading and parent/guardian signatures. Reading.

5 Link to our topic – Hidden Heroes focus on characterisation and then moving onto non fiction.
Spellings – new spellings to be given out once the children have settled into their new year group. SPAG Expectations of presentation Writing across the curriculum– making links Read to Succeed English.

6 Maths. Areas of learning this term:
Become secure in the basics which under pin KS1 maths: focus on place value, different operations, more than and less than. Real life problem solving Written and mental strategies Presentation of work Maths.

7 Home learning suggestions for optional activities will be sent out on the back of our curriculum letters. Homework will be given weekly on a Wednesday It must be handed in the following Monday. Weekly Spellings Number bond or time tables practice Daily reading Homework.

8 P.E. P.E is on a Monday and Thursday
P.E kit should be in school every day Please follow the rules regarding jewellery as in your Parent Handbook. P.E.

9 Attendance.

10 Behaviour and celebrations.
We follow Good to be Green. All children start the day on Green. Positive behaviour is celebrated in a phase assembly 1 child a week is chosen to wear the Golden Tie. Yellow and Red cards are given for inappropriate behaviour choices. 3 Red cards a term will require a parent to attend the school to meet the Head Teacher. Behaviour and celebrations.

11 If you have further questions please speak with a member of staff.
Thank You. If you have further questions please speak with a member of staff. We look forward to working with you this year.

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