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Tourism and the Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Tourism and the Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tourism and the Environment

2 Environment– Concern for Tourist
“Quality” tourism includes… Beautiful landscape Relaxed atmosphere Sunshine Healthy climate Attractive places for excursions

3 Hardin’s Tragedy of the Commons
1968 Paper Farmers share land (the commons) to graze cattle One farmer increases herd, others follow; profits maximized Land becomes overgrazed Lower quality milk Next generation and the loss of the commons Short vs. long term benefits

4 Free Market Impact Impact of free market view of tourism
Consumption Ignores: pollution, depletion of environmental resources Difficult to specify cost in market system Low cost of development Unspoiled environments become commodities


6 PPP– Polluter Pays Principle
Emitting wastes= bearing costs Government tax? Punitive fine?

7 Debt-for-Nature Swaps
Resource is “world’s” possession, so “world” can pay for it NGOs buy government debt for small amount Area is conserved; government gives up sovereignty on area of country

8 Trends in Eco-Tourism “Local” prevents leakage Risk of “greenwashing”
Sustainability Examples: Bali “losmen” Senegal Casamance

9 Positive Environmental Impact?
Conservation Rwanda’s Parc National de Volcans Garbage Removal Mt. Everest

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