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Optical-Null Transformation Medias: Realizations and Applications

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1 Optical-Null Transformation Medias: Realizations and Applications
Qiong He, Shiyi Xiao, Xin Li, Kun Ding, Lei Zhou* State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics, Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Photonic Structures (MOE) and Physics Department, Fudan University, Shanghai , China * Backgrounds and Motivations Effective Media of Holey Metallic Plate Metamaterials and Transformation optics offer new versatility to control EM wave. Effective k and admittance based on mode expansion theory with single mode approximation: Bottle-neck of Transformation optics: Difficult to realize extreme parameters (anisotropic, inhomogenous, extreme value for e and m) . Lack of real design and real device for transformation optics. Geometry of holey metallic plate: digged slits (blue) on metallic plate (grey) Goals of this work: Design and realize Optical-Null Transformation Media (ONTM) Demonstrate experimentally some real applications of ONTM Numerical Verification: Superlensing Effect Stretching Operation & Optical-Null Media FEM simulation FDTD simulation Image with structure ONTM HMP T.O. Media Material's Permittivity and Permeability Thicnkness of lens=75mm=l/2, fcutoff=2GHz. Resolution of image is about l/2 (5mm). By taking Optical-Null Media Real applications: Hyperlensing Effect of ONTM This Media Seems Not Exit for light Inspiration and Solution for ONTM L1=1.2cm, L2=1.3cm, L3=0.6cm Px=1.8cm, Py=3.1cm Thickness= 6cm=l/2 Field enhancement :7 Magnification factor of image: 1.25 Image resolution: l/10 (f=2.5GHz) Hyperlensing effect is independent of phase relation between two point sources Possible Solution for ONTM: Fractal-shaped Holey Metallic Plate Conclusions Design of transformation optics media with holey metallic plate Effective medium theories and mode expansion theory facilitated the design process. FEM/FDTD simulation and microwave experiments verified functionality of HMP as Optical-Null Transformation Media. Potential applications: subwavelength imaging, bending waveguide, absorbers… References: [1] U. Leonhardt, Science 312, 1777 (2006); J.B. Pendry, et al., Science 312,1780 (2006). [2] D. Schurig, et al., Science 314, 977 (2006); M. Gharghi, et al., Nano Lett. 11, 2825 (2011). [3] X.Q. Huang, et al., OE 18, (2010); S.Y. Xiao, et al., Phys. Rev. B 85, (2012).

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