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Western Europe in the High Middle Ages

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1 Western Europe in the High Middle Ages
Chap 19 Day 3 Western Europe in the High Middle Ages 11th – 14th cen. (1000 – 1300 CE) Early – 6th cen- 10th cen (_____ to ______) Late – 14th to 16th cen (______ to ______)

2 Popular Religion – meaning?
Population at large remained unaffected by Scholasticism – WHY? The Seven Sacraments gain ritual popularity Esp. Eucharist - ?? Devotion to Saints Heavenly intercession, pilgrimages, veneration of relics The Virgin Mary

3 Religious Movements Rebellion against perceived materialism of Roman Catholic Church St. Dominic ( ) and St. Francis ( ) create orders of mendicants Vows of poverty – WHY? Popular preachers Religious zealots, very opposed to heretical movements

4 Popular Heresy (southern France, northern Italy)
Waldesians Urged more lay control of preaching, sacraments The Cathars (Albigensians) Influenced by religious movements in eastern Europe Chastity, vegetarianism, poverty Pope Innocent III virtually destroys Cathar movement in 13th century - Crusade

5 Medieval Expansion of Europe
Atlantic and Baltic Colonization Scandinavians explore North Atlantic Ocean Iceland, Greenland, Vinland (Canada) Canadian settlements do not succeed Kings of Denmark nominally convert to Christianity, Sweden and Finland follow

6 Crusading Orders Religious Christians form military-religious orders
Templars, Hospitallers, Teutonic Knights Religious vows of opposition to Islam, paganism Founded churches and monasteries

7 The Reconquest of Sicily and Spain
Sicily taken by Muslims in 9th century, reconquered by Normans in 11th century Slow displacement of Islam Opportunity for cross-cultural fertilization – RESULT? Two small Christian states survive Muslim conquest Become nucleus of reconquest, 1060s-1492 Rapid, forceful assertions of Christian authority

8 The Beginning of the Crusades
Pope Urban II calls for liberation of Jerusalem from Muslim control, 1095 – WHY GO? Salvation promised for casualties Rapid, enthusiastic response Peter the Hermit raises popular frenzy, mob destroyed on way to Jerusalem

9 The First Crusade 1096-1099 more organized expedition
Captures Jerusalem, largely due to poor Muslim organization Salah al-Din (Saladin) recaptures Jerusalem in 1187

10 Routes of the First Crusade – Observations???

11 The medieval expansion of Europe, 1000 – 1250 CE- Observations???

12 Later Crusades and their Consequences
Five crusades by mid-13th century, none successful – Meaning? Fourth Crusade destroys Constantinople, – WHY? Yet Crusades were a success for Western Europe – WHY? Provide direct contact with Muslim ideologies, trade Aristotle, “Arabic” numerals, paper production

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