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Cecilia Metra, Univ. of Bologna (Italy)

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Presentation on theme: "Cecilia Metra, Univ. of Bologna (Italy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cecilia Metra, Univ. of Bologna (Italy)
Pubs Board, February 5, 2014 Cecilia Metra, Univ. of Bologna (Italy) (Editor-in-Chief)

2 Outline Recent Actions: Enhanced EB EB Committee on Education
EB Committee on Conferences Planned Actions: Boost CN visibility in Asia/Latin America New column on standards Section devoted to young talents

3 Outline Recent Actions: Enhanced EB EB Committee on Education
EB Committee on Conferences Planned Actions: Boost CN visibility in Asia/Latin America New column on standards Section devoted to young talents

4 Enhanced EB Added Representatives from:
CS Magazines previously not represented (Intelligent Systems magazine, Computing in Science&Engineering magazine) Some CS Transactions (Trans. on Learning Technologies) Some Companies (Intel, Microsoft, Micron, STMicroelectronics)

5 Outline Recent Actions: Enhanced EB EB Committee on Education
EB Committee on Conferences Planned Actions: Boost CN visibility in Asia/Latin America New column on standards Section devoted to young talents

6 EB Committee on Education
Creation of the EB Committee selecting content for the CN Education column (started in July 2013), that is: Extracts of CS e-Learning Courses Slides from Embedded Tutorials at IEEE CS Conferences, Workshops and Symposia Industrial Audio/Videos (with educational content) Planned improved coordination with the CS Education Board.

7 Outline Recent Actions: Enhanced EB EB Committee on Education
EB Committee on Conferences Planned Actions: Boost CN visibility in Asia/Latin America New column on standards Section devoted to young talents

8 EB Committee on Conferences
Creation of the EB Committee selecting content for the CN Conference column (started in July 2013), that is: Slides and/or taped audio-video Keynote and Invited speeches Calendar with all CS Conf/Symp/Wkshops – to be updated in conjunction with IEEE CS webpage Call for papers and call for partecipation Conference reports by General/Program Chairs Planned improved coordination with the CS Technical& Conference Activities Board.

9 Outline Recent Actions: Enhanced EB EB Committee on Education
EB Committee on Conferences Planned Actions: Boost CN visibility in Asia/Latin America New column on standards Section devoted to young talents

10 Boost CN Visibility in Asia/Latin America
Chinese/Spanish translation not only of the Monthly Theme Introduction (started in January 2013), but also of the Industrial Point of View interviews (started in January 2013). Possible links to Chinese/Spanish social networks.

11 Outline Recent Actions: Enhanced EB EB Committee on Education
EB Committee on Conferences Planned Actions: Boost CN visibility in Asia/Latin America New column on standards Section devoted to young talents

12 New Column on Standards
Introduction of a new “Standards” column : Possibly inclusive of blog, advertisements, links to standards, etc Content will be provided by the CS Standards Activity Board.

13 Outline Recent Actions: Enhanced EB EB Committee on Education
EB Committee on Conferences Planned Actions: Boost CN visibility in Asia/Latin America New column on standards Section devoted to young talents

14 Section Devoted to Young Talents
Section dedicated to Young Talents, possibly inclusive of: Acknowledgments of Conferences’ Best PhD Thesis Award winners Possible papers from youngs selected by other Magazines

15 Cecilia Metra, Univ. of Bologna (Italy)
Pubs Board, February 5, 2014 Cecilia Metra, Univ. of Bologna (Italy) (Editor-in-Chief)

16 Backup Slides

17 Welcome to the New Board Members
Prof. Giri Kumar Tayi, State University of New York at Albany (IEEE Intelligent Systems magazine) Dr. Matthew Turk, Columbia University (Computing in Science & Engineering mag) Prof. Timothy K. Shih, National Central University, Taiwan (Trans. on Learning Technologies) Dr. Marcello Coppola, STMicroelectronics (Education Subcommittee) Dr. Harold Javid, Microsoft (Education Subcommittee) Dr. Rajesh Galivanche, Intel (Education Subcommittee) Dr. Paolo Rolandi, Micron (Education Subcommittee) Prof. Paolo Prinetto, Politecnico di Torino (Conference Subcommittee)

18 Education and Conference EB Committees
Education: Arkady, Munindar, Marcin, Maria, Harold, Marcello, Paolo R, Rajesh, Paolo P Conferences: Rene, Kevin, San, Maurizio, Paolo P

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