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Questions, Answers, Annotations

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1 Questions, Answers, Annotations
2.3 Unfamiliar Text

2 How are the questions structured?
Unfamiliar text questions are typically phrased beginning with “analyse how” - similar to your essays. In this question, they generally identify an aspect of the text, or an idea or concept discussed within the text which you should focus on in your answer. Underneath the question, you are usually given instructions about what you should discuss in your answer. You should address everything identified in these instructions.

3 Decoding- What are we looking for?
We should always decode the question BEFORE we read the texts. The aim is to work out what the question is asking us so that you can look for important information when reading. Like essays you need to look for key words: In the question itself you need to clearly identify the idea or aspect of the text it asks you about. In the instructions you need to identify the technical things that you need to discuss in your answer.

4 For example… Analyse how the writer has presented his opinion on the effects of texting on communication in English. In your answer you should: Identify and give examples of techniques used in the text and explain their effects Show understanding of the author’s opinion. Show understanding of the writer’s purpose.

5 Now you try one Analyse how the author develops ideas about judging people In your answer you should: Identify and give examples of techniques used in the text and explain their effects Show understanding of the idea about judging people that is created. Show understanding of the writer’s purpose.

6 Reading the Text You need to keep in mind the things you have identified in the question when you read the text. You should be aiming to: Identify the aspect, concept or idea which the question asks you about in the text. Decide what the author is saying ABOUT this. Identify techniques which have been used (consider their effects) Identify the author’s purpose- what do they want us to take away from the text?

7 Annotations It is important that we annotate, when we read the texts.
You need a highlighter- highlight interesting phrases, sentences, words Make notes in the margins about how these might help you answer the question. Make sure you are identifying the term for the technique of each example. These annotations will help you to structure your answer and ensure you include evidence.

8 Structuring an Answer You must address all parts of the question in your answer. An introductory thesis statement which responds the to concept or idea identified in the question 3-5 techniques- examples given and analysed- linked back to the idea or concept identified in the question A comment on author’s purpose- link back to how techniques have helped to achieve this- link, of course, to the idea or concept.

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