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Food Glorious Food Healthy Food Nursery Spring 1 – Week 2 Phonics

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1 Food Glorious Food Healthy Food Nursery Spring 1 – Week 2 Phonics
The children will revisit Phase 1. This week we will be listening to the different sounds musical instruments make. Communication & Language Literacy We will read ‘Oliver’s Vegetables story’. And ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children will talk about their favorite food and how it is important to keep ourselves healthy . We will sort different foods into foods that are healthy and unhealthy. Expressive Arts and Design Our role play will be a fruit and veg market stall. The children will act out the different roles with their friends, learning to listen and respond to each other. On the creative table the children will be making Healthy Food Plates. Food Glorious Food Healthy Food Nursery Spring 1 – Week 2 Mathematics This week the children will be tasting different fruit. They will decide which is their favorite fruit and we will record this on a pictogram. This will then show us which fruit is the most popular. The new children will be introduced to Ten Town, this is a magical place where numbers come alive and we find out about all the exciting people who live here. This week we are going to hear all about Tommy Two. Physical Development In PE we will carry on with our new PE scheme. This week we will be going into the enchanted forest were the children will learn how to adjust their speed. We will continue with our Dough Gym this week, this is where the children do different exercises to music to strengthen their fine motor and gross motor movements. On the Fine Motor table the children will be threading fruits Personal, Social, Emotional Development Our SEAL topic is – Going for Goals. In this unit children will think about what they could do when they were younger and what they can do now. They will be able to set themselves a goal to work towards, trying new activities and say what worked well. This week the children will share with each other something that they are good at.

2 15th January 2018 Dear Parents, As you can see from our topic web our theme for this week is Healthy Food, we will be looking at food that helps us to stay healthy and the importance of exercise. On Friday we will be thinking about how important water is to us and we will be looking at other countries that are not as lucky as we are to have clean running water. With this in mind we thought we would try and help in some small way, so you will see just in the entrance to nursery a make shift well. If you can spare any small coins for our collection your child can bring it and drop it into the bucket. At the end of the week we will empty the bucket and send it off to Water Aid for them to use in bringing clean water to those who need it. Many thanks for your support Mrs Mayne, Miss Wheelden, Ms Wootton, Mrs Boulton, Miss Dodd, Miss Pinson

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