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Writing up the Action Research Project

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Presentation on theme: "Writing up the Action Research Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing up the Action Research Project

2 Do Consider your audience, what can they learn from you?
Make it personal! Mention what didn’t work as well as what did work. Focus on students perceptions of the project. Use quotes from students and yourself. Have some theoretical backing. Have a snappy title!

3 Don’t Try and include everything.
Pretend everything went brilliantly when it didn’t. Write in a dry academic style.

4 Main Headings Background Starting Point Teaching and Learning or
Professional Development Impact Future Development Plans Further Reading

5 Background: Setting the scene – why was your focus of enquiry important? You may make reference here to theoretical background. Anticipated outcomes and impact of your project.

6 Starting point Which students and teachers were involved in the project? Brief description of the research evidence the enquiry was based on. Types of initial data collected: Focus group findings Questionnaires Observations Diary (choice bits) Course reviews Video diaries? (for webpage) What did initial data tell you about your students?

7 Teaching and Learning/ Professional Development
What changes to your practice did you plan as a result of analysing your initial data? How did you develop your practice? How did you implement new practice? Practicalities of implementing your change. You may refer to new sets of data, include student quotes. Support any claims with evidence, i.e. data or findings which support theory, refer to validation methods. Essentially what did you do and what did they do in response?

8 Impact What impact did your changing practice have on your students?
An overview Refer back to initial issue Do you/ your students do anything differently? Did the research have an impact? Did you discover anything unexpected? Summarise the significance of the work for your own professional practice.

9 Future Development Plans
What next? Have other teachers shown interest in your approach? Can you pursue new avenues of research next year as a result of findings? Have you developed a model for other teachers to use? Could you include any top tips?

10 Further Reading Provide suggestions for further reading, include 2 or 3 references that you used in your literature review.

11 Unified style Length - minimum 2 sides, maximum 3 sides A4 typed.
Arial 10 font Block capitals and bold for main headings Bold lower case for sub-headings

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