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Remember to make your own notes when you take this copy.

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1 Remember to make your own notes when you take this copy.
Notes for Quiz 4 (Ch. 2, Lesson 4) A. Roman Legacy - Art 1. mosaic a. picture made of colored tiles or pieces of colored glass 2. statues made to look realistic a. copied from Greeks B. Roman Legacy - Philosophy 1. citizenship a. relationship: people and their country 1) people protected and participate b. copied from Greeks c. Stoicism 1) helped people to understand citizenship 2) duty, virtue, endurance 3) copied from Greeks C. Roman Legacy - Language 1. Latin a. source for other European languages b. official language of Roman Catholic Church D. Roman Legacy - As Builders 1. arches, vaults, domes, aqueducts, roads E. Roman Legacy - Christianity 1. its preservation F. Roman Legacy - Law 1. citizens equally protected. 2. Twelve Tables/ Justinian’s Code Note - key points: definition of country, virtue, vault

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