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Swedish Workshop. Swedish Workshop Advantages Expression of variety opinions Encourages deep learning Cognitively demanding Development of social skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Swedish Workshop. Swedish Workshop Advantages Expression of variety opinions Encourages deep learning Cognitively demanding Development of social skills."— Presentation transcript:


2 Swedish Workshop

3 Advantages Expression of variety opinions Encourages deep learning
Cognitively demanding Development of social skills and motivation

4 Disadvantages Discussion unequally shared Hide in a group
Dominant characters Importance of prior knowledge

5 What we have learned Society is complex
Not just one solution to a problem Learning about science in context and the effects How concepts are implemented in society

6 YES (all levels) Can this be used?
Make it as difficult as you want / need

7 Expected Outcomes The child will be enabled to: Communicate Research
Highlight information Autonomy, construct arguments Develop scientific literacy

8 Basic Topics: Objectives
The child will be enabled to: Communicate effectively about the topic Research information about the topic Highlight key information relevant to the discussion Develop an opinion about the topic

9 Basic Topics: Methodologies
Direct teaching with whole class (depending on level) Paired work (research) Small groups

10 Activities Introducing the topic Distribution roles
Research about the topic Role play Whole class discussion

11 Teaching Materials Text book Public sources Applets Software Paper

12 Teacher Competencies Create safe environment
Make sure opinions are heard and valued Mistakes are OK  an opportunity to learn Lead a debate (mediator/moderator)

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