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Color Blindness or Dyschromatopsia By Gabriella Lee.

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1 Color Blindness or Dyschromatopsia By Gabriella Lee

2 Color Blindness - Inability to perceive one or more colors.

3 What is Color Blindness?
-Color blindness is the condition in which you can’t distinguish some or all of the colors that people without color blindness can distinguish -People who can see all range of colors require the use of a specialized receptor cell, called cones, which are located in the retina of the eye -There are 3 types of cones, red, blue and green -If there is damage or abnormality in any of these cones, it may result in impaired color vision a.k.a. color blindness -Usually color blindness is inherited from your parents, but it can be acquired through damage of the eye, nerve or brain

4 Types of color blindness
-There are many types of color blindness A few include - Monochromacy, which is complete color blindness - Dichromacy, which is when you can’t recognize one of the 3 basic colors (red, blue, green) -Protanopia, a color blindness which is caused by the loss of the red color -Deuteranopia, a color blindness which is caused by the loss of the green color -Tritanopia, a color blindness which is caused by the loss of the blue color - Anomalous Trichromacy, this is when one of the 3 basic colors is impaired but not lost

5 The Colors of the Rainbow
Viewed by a person without color blindness Viewed by a person with Protanopia (loss of red) The Colors of the Rainbow Viewed by a person with Deuteranopia (loss of green) Viewed by a person with Tritanopia (loss of blue)

6 What type of inheritance?
-Color Blindness is a sex linked hereditary disease and is X-linked recessive -This means that this disorder is a mutation on a sex chromosome, in this case the X chromosome -Males are more frequently affected by this disorder, as they only have 1 X chromosome -However as it is recessive, another dominant X chromosome in a female can over rule this recessive one.

7 Punnet Squares How is this disorder inherited? X (unaffected) x
Xx (female carrier) Y XY (unaffected male) XY (unaffected male) Offspring of an unaffected female (XX) and an affected male (Yx). 50% are female carriers and the other 50% are unaffected males X (unaffected x (affected) X XX (unaffected female) Xx (female carrier) Y XY (unaffected male) Yx (affected male) Offspring of a female carrier (Xx) and an unaffected male (Yx). 25% are female carriers, 25% are affected males, 25% are unaffected males and 25% are unaffected females (unaffected) (affected) Punnet Squares How is this disorder inherited? X (unaffected) x (affected) x Xx (female carrier) Xx (affected female) Y YX (unaffected male) Yx (affected male) x (affected) X Xx (female carrier) Y Yx (affected male) (unaffected) (affected) Offspring of a female carrier (Xx) and an affected male (Yx). 25% are female carriers, 25% are affected females, 25% are unaffected males and 25% are affected males Offspring of an affected female (xx) and an unaffected male (XY). 50% are female carriers and 50% are affected males.

8 Bibliography "Color Blindness." Answers.Com. 19 Oct < "Color Blindness." StLukesEye.Com. St. Lukes Cataract and Laser Institute. 19 Oct < "Color Blindness." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Hong Kong. 17 Oct Keyword: Color Blindness. "Colors for the Color Blind." 19 Oct < "Genetic Disorder." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Hong Kong. 18 Oct Keyword: Genetic Disorders. Pictures:

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