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Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test.

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1 Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test

2 What are the three different ways to build a web site?
Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test What are the three different ways to build a web site? (Please type all your answers in the submit answer page and then submit your answers.)

3 Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 2. What is a web design template, and what are its advantages and disadvantages?

4 Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 3. What is an html editor, and what are the advantages and disadvantages?

5 Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 4. What does it mean to hand code html and what are the advantages and disadvantages of hand coding?

6 Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 5. What are HTML tags?

7 6. Why do HTML tags come in pairs?
Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 6. Why do HTML tags come in pairs?

8 7. What can HTML tags be used to include?
Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 7. What can HTML tags be used to include?

9 8. What are the two major sections of the structure of an HTML page?
Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 8. What are the two major sections of the structure of an HTML page?

10 9. What does the head section contain?
Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 9. What does the head section contain?

11 10. What does the body section contain?
Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 10. What does the body section contain?

12 11. What tag must every web page begin and end with?
Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 11. What tag must every web page begin and end with?

13 Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 12. What are the bare bones HTML tags that you must have to create a web page?

14 13. Do step 1. Were you successful?
Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 13. Do step 1. Were you successful?

15 14. Do step two. Were you successful?
Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 14. Do step two. Were you successful?

16 15. Do step three. Were you successful? If so, congratulations.
Unit 2 Test Building a Web Page Test 15. Do step three. Were you successful? If so, congratulations.

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