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Monday – September 29, 2014 Mr. Lombardi

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1 Monday – September 29, 2014 Mr. Lombardi
Aim: How did the Scientific Revolution change people’s view of the universe? Do Now: Why might people have difficulty accepting new ideas or ways of thinking?

2 H.W. #2 The Scientific Revolution Close read the handout.
Answer the questions in full sentences (in your own words). DO NOT COPY ANOTHER STUDENT’S WORK! Due: Tomorrow, September 30

3 Unit 2: The Age of Revolutions

4 The Renaissance

5 A New Way of Thinking Scientific Revolution: A new way of thinking about the natural world. 1500s - scholars challenged the ideas of ancient thinkers and the church. New discoveries during the Age of Exploration lead scholars to believe there were new truths to be found.

6 The Medieval View Geocentric Theory: the earth was located at the center of the universe Christianity- God placed earth at the center of the universe Geocentric Theory 

7 The Heliocentric Theory
The idea that the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun Nicolaus Copernicus – Proved that the sun is the center of the universe

8 Activity Read the handout, Who’s Who of The Scientific Revolution.
DO NOT WRITE ON THE READING HANDOUT! For each person that you read about, summarize the important information into your chart. DO NOT COPY ANYTHING WORD-FOR-WORD!

9 Copernicus Copernicus knew his theory would be rejected because it contradicted religious views He did not publish his discovery until 1543 (the year he died) because he was afraid of persecution

10 Galileo Galilei 1609- Galileo builds a telescope in order to study the heavens Galileo’s discoveries supported Copernicus’ theory

11 Galileo’s Conflict with the Church
If people believed Galileo- they would question church teachings 1616- the Catholic Church warns Galileo not to defend Copernicus’ ideas 1632- Galileo publishes his 2nd book in support of Copernicus The Pope summoned Galileo to stand trial in Rome Galileo


13 Galileo’s Conflict with the Church (Cont.)
1633- Galileo stands before the papal court The Pope threatened torture Galileo read a signed confession- he agreed that the ideas of Copernicus were false Galileo was under house arrest until 1642 when he died *1992- Catholic Church officially acknowledged that Galileo had been right

14 Isaac Newton Came up with the theory of motion
All objects are affected equally by the same forces He linked motion on earth with motion in the universe (the law of gravity)

15 Scientific Method Question or problem Hypothesis- unproved assumption
Test Hypothesis Analyze data- reach a conclusion Conclusion confirms or disproves hypothesis

16 Old Science v. New Science

17 Inventions 1590- First microscope was invented
1643- First barometer invented (tool to help predict the weather) 1714- Grabriel Fahrenheit made the first mercury filled glass thermometer 1742- Anders Celsius created another scale for the mercury thermometer

18 Summary How did the Scientific Revolution change people’s view of the universe? How would these changes affect people, places, and regions?

19 Video (3:36)

20 Critical Thinking Questions:
How was the Scientific Revolution a turning point in history? What assumptions can you make about the power of the church back then and the power of the church today? How did the level of power change? How did the new approaches of observation and experimentation challenge the Roman Catholic Church? What was life like before this time period? How would you have handled being summoned by the Pope if you were Galileo? How would these various inventions/technological changes affect people, places, and regions?

21 Regents Prep – Scientific Revolution

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