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Processi innovativi INVESTMENT SHOW CASE , April 2018 Torino

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1 Processi innovativi INVESTMENT SHOW CASE 2018 11-12, April 2018 Torino

2 Processi innovativi Processi Innovativi is an Italian Process Engineering company with high expertise in green technologies, operating as a provider of technologies in the Green Chemicals & Fuels industry. Throughout the proven industrial competences of its Team, PI is available to provide to his industrial Clients the following services for his green technologies: Feasibility studies Basic Engineering Packages; Front End Engineering Design; EP projects; R&D project. PPROCESSI INNOVATIVI

3 PI research activities
Processi innovativi R&D Network PI research activities Universities Industrial partners Research centers European Funded projects Groups Processi Innovativi (PI) is actively cooperating with R&D entities as: European Universities; Research centers; European funded projects Groups; Industrial partners; to develop novel processes starting from PI research activities or from Market inputs COMPANY PROFILE | PROCESSI INNOVATIVI 3

4 Processi innovativi Throughout internal competences and participation to European funded projects the Company is developing novel green process schemes including: Waste-to-chemicals conversion process Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology Algae to polymers and to high-added value products Chemical storage of Renewable energy (PtG) Process intensification in H2 industry Oleochemical technologies PPROCESSI INNOVATIVI

5 Processi innovativi Through internal expertise company designed, built and operated several pilot plant. Membrane steam reforming Catalytic partial oxidation Carbon dioxide methanation Molten salts solar steam reforming PPROCESSI INNOVATIVI

6 Motivation and background
EU waste policy aims to ensure that waste is used wherever possible as raw material to make new products! Waste Management Hierarchy Circular Economy PPROCESSI INNOVATIVI

7 WASTE TO chemicals CONCEPT
From waste to…… Green-Methanol GREEN Fuels & Chemicals Green-Urea Green-Ad-Blue PPROCESSI INNOVATIVI Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Plastic Waste Green-Ethanol Green- LDPE Green - Hydrogen Green - Methane

8 Technical-ECONOMIC assessment
COST OF PRODUCTION = 185 €/ton against a market price of 450 €/ton Demi water=160 t/d Power=16.8Mw Inerts 96 t/d Sulphur 0,6 t/d Slag 246t/d Pure CO2 290 t/d Natural Gas=38 t/d RDF WASTE=540 t/d RDF GASIFICATION SYNGAS CLEANING AND CONDITIONING METHANOL SYNTHESIS PPROCESSI INNOVATIVI Methanol = 225 t/d

9 Processi Innovativi Registered Office Via Guido Polidoro, 1
67100 L’Aquila P F Operative Office Via di Vannina, 88/94 00156 Rome P PPROCESSI INNOVATIVI


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