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Mrs. Beaumont, Mrs. Jarvis/Mr. Ife Literacy NumeracyScience I.C.T. PSHE R.E. Geography History French Music P.E. Games.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Beaumont, Mrs. Jarvis/Mr. Ife Literacy NumeracyScience I.C.T. PSHE R.E. Geography History French Music P.E. Games."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mrs. Beaumont, Mrs. Jarvis/Mr. Ife

3 Literacy NumeracyScience I.C.T. PSHE R.E. Geography History French Music P.E. Games

4 All uniform MUST be named Boys: White or blue shirt Grey trousers Tie School jumper/cardigan/ sweatshirt Black shoes Girls: White or blue shirt/blouse Grey skirt, culottes, pinafore Navy blue or grey trousers Tie Blue & white striped or gingham dress School jumper/cardigan/ Sweatshirt Black shoes

5 GAMES KIT Tracksuit - winter Shorts - summer Outdoor trainers All uniform MUST be named P.E. Kit Gold t-shirt Blue shorts Plimsoles PE Kit is to arrive on Monday & stay at school until Friday!

6 The School Day The school day starts promptly at 8:50 a.m. The gate will be open from 8:40. Children arrive at the Clarendon Park Road entrance and walk around the path and straight into school through the Year 3 cloakroom. The Year 3 cloakroom is separate from the other Juniors. After the first day or so, please let your child walk into school by themselves.

7 Homework is to go home on Wednesdays & be returned by Monday, please.

8 Reading books are to go home & are to be changed when the book has been read – they do not need to be brought in every day. Please make sure that your child is reading for 20 minutes each night & changing their books regularly.

9 Reading Books We will send the children home with their reading book and a liaison book. A St. Johns book bag would be most useful to place in books/letters etc. Please write a comment when you hear your child read. We will write any appropriate information for your attention.

10 Children will play on the 2 KS2 playgrounds and the field, when it is suitable. They are collected from the KS1 playground at the end of the day (3.15pm)

11 Meeting their new teachers The current Year 2 children will meet their new class teacher/s tomorrow (Thursday). We will talk about some of the different routines. We will show them where their new classroom will be, the cloakroom, playgrounds and places to line up.


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