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Social Organization and Power: Rape and Sexual Assault

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1 Social Organization and Power: Rape and Sexual Assault
Defining Rape: Sexual penetration without the individual’s consent, obtained by force or threat of physical harm, or when a victim is incapable of giving consent. Recent amendment in Illinois law: ability to change mind about consent once sex act has begun. Sexual Assault: Sexual touching and other unwanted forms of sexual contact. Accompanied by psychological pressure or physical threat.

2 Social Organization and Power: Rape and Sexual Assault
Acquaintance Rape: About 15% of all women will be raped by an acquaintance or date About half of all acquaintance rapes involve alcohol (either perpetrator, victim, or both) Studies suggest that men perceive sexual “signals” in women’s behavior when women intend only simple friendship

3 Social Organization and Power: Rape and Sexual Assault
What do we know about the extent of rape? Most rapes go unreported (about 2 out of 3) Accurate estimates are difficult. Why? Victim stigma and blame (victims wrongly believe rapists vocabulary of motive is valid) Offender/Victim relationship Concern about treatment as victim in the CJS Up to 70% of women forced to have sex fail to recognize their experience as rape Between 15% and 30% of U.S. women will be raped in their lifetime Approximately 15% of rapes will be reported to the police. Of these, only 15% to 30% end in the conviction of the rapist, and only half of those spend more than 1 year in jail

4 Social Organization and Power: Rape and Sexual Assault
Rape on College Campuses: 15-20% of college women have been a victim of raped or attempted rape in their lifetime. An estimated 85% of rapes on campuses are acquaintance or date rapes 90% involve alcohol 1% of male students who rape are prosecuted

5 Social Organization and Power: Rape and Sexual Assault
How are male campus groups (athletic teams, dorms, fraternities, etc.) organized to encourage sexual assault and rape? Male organizations as (Patriarchal) contexts for the construction of Masculinity. Importance of entry into the org. & implications for “protecting” members Commodification of women. Devaluation of the feminine. Examples? MALE ENTITLEMENT

6 Social Organization and Power: Rape and Sexual Assault
Ch. 35 “Fraternities and Rape on Campus” (Martin and Hummer) Source of Data? How are fraternities organized to encourage sexual assault and rape? Fraternities as (Patriarchal) contexts for the construction of Masculinity. What are the values associated with masculinity? Importance of entry into the org. & implications for “protecting” members Commodification of women. Examples?

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