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Chapter 36 Population Dynamics.

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1 Chapter 36 Population Dynamics

2 The Spread of Shakespeare’s Starlings
The Spread of Shakespeare’s Starlings The European Starling Has become an abundant and destructive pest in North America European starling

3 Starling populations have become very successful
Starling populations have become very successful And spread throughout North America since their introduction in 1890 Current 1955 1945 1935 1925 1915 1905 The spread of starlings across North America

4 Population ecology Is concerned with changes in population size and the factors that regulate populations over time

5 36.1 Population ecology is the study of how and why populations change
36.1 Population ecology is the study of how and why populations change A population Is a group of individuals of a single species that occupy the same general area

36. 2 Density and dispersion patterns are important population variables Population density Is the number of individuals of a species per unit of area or volume

7 Environmental and social factors
Environmental and social factors Influence the spacing of individuals in various dispersion patterns: clumped, uniform, or random Figure 36.2A Figure 36.2B

8 36.3 Life tables track mortality and survivorship in populations
36.3 Life tables track mortality and survivorship in populations Life tables and survivorship curves Predict an individual’s statistical chance of dying or surviving during each interval of the individual’s lifetime Table 36.3

9 The three types of survivorship curves
The three types of survivorship curves Reflect species’ differences in reproduction and mortality Percentage of survivors (log scale) 100 10 1 0.1 50 III II I Percentage of maximum life span Figure 36.3

10 36.4 Idealized models help us understand population growth

11 The Exponential Growth Model
The Exponential Growth Model Exponential growth Is the accelerating increase that occurs when growth is unlimited

12 The equation G  rN describes this J-shaped curve
The equation G  rN describes this J-shaped curve G  the population growth rate r  an organism’s inherent capacity to reproduce N  the population size Time Number of Cells 0 minutes 20 40 60 80 100 120 (= 2 hours) 3 hours 4 hours 8 hours 12 hours 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 512 4,096 16,777,216 68,719,476,736 = 20 = 21 = 22 = 23 = 24 = 25 = 26 = 29 = 212 = 224 = 236 Number of bacterial cells (N) 70 50 30 10 140 G = r N Time (min) Figure 36.4A

13 Breeding male fur seals
Limiting Factors and the Logistic Growth Model Limiting factors Are environmental factors that restrict population growth Breeding male fur seals (thousands) 10 8 6 4 2 1915 1925 1935 1945 Year Figure 36.4B

14 Logistic growth Is the model that represents the slowing of population growth as a result of limiting factors Levels off at the carrying capacity, which is the number of individuals the environment can support Number of individuals (N) K Time G = r N (K – N) Figure 36.4C

15 The equation G  rN(K – N)/K describes a logistic growth curve Where K  carrying capacity and (K – N)/K accounts for the leveling off of the curve

16 36.5 Multiple factors may limit population growth
36.5 Multiple factors may limit population growth As a population’s density increases Factors such as limited food supply and increased disease or predation may increase the death rate, decrease the birth rate, or both 4.0 3.6 3.8 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Density of females Clutch size Figure 36.5A

17 Abiotic factors such as weather May limit many natural populations
Abiotic factors such as weather May limit many natural populations Exponential growth Sudden decline Number of aphids Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 36.5B

18 Most populations Are probably regulated by a mixture of factors, and fluctuations in numbers are common Time (years) 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 20 40 80 60 Number of females Figure 36.5C

19 36.6 Some populations have “boom-and-bust” cycles
36.6 Some populations have “boom-and-bust” cycles Some populations Undergo regular boom-and-bust cycles of growth and decline 160 120 80 40 1850 1875 1900 1925 9 6 3 Snowshoe hare Lynx Hare population size (thousands) Lynx population size Year Figure 36.6

36.7 Evolution shapes life histories An organism’s life history Is the series of events from birth through reproduction to death

21 Populations with so-called r-selection life history traits
Populations with so-called r-selection life history traits Produce many offspring and grow rapidly in unpredictable environments Figure 36.7A

22 Populations with K-selected traits Raise few offspring and maintain relatively stable populations

23 Are shaped by natural selection
Life history traits Are shaped by natural selection Experimental transplant of guppies Predator: Killifish; preys mainly on small, immature guppies Guppies: Larger at sexual maturity than those in pike-cichlid pools Predator: Pike-cichlid; preys mainly on large, mature guppies Guppies: Smaller at those in killifish pools Figure 36.7B

24 Yield (thousands of metric tons)
CONNECTION 36.8 Principles of population ecology have practical applications Principles of population ecology Are useful in managing natural resources 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Yield (thousands of metric tons) Figure 36.8

36.9 Human population growth has started to slow after centuries of exponential increase The human population Has been growing almost exponentially for centuries, standing now at about 6.4 billion The Plague 6 5 4 3 2 1 8000 B.C. 4000 3000 2000 1000 A.D. Human population size (billions) Figure 36.9A

26 The ecological footprint
The ecological footprint Represents the amount of land per person needed to support a nation’s resource needs 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Available ecological capacity (ha per person) Ecological footprint (ha per person) Japan UK Spain Germany Netherlands Norway USA World China India Sweden Canada Australia New Zealand Figure 36.9B

27 The ecological capacity of the world
The ecological capacity of the world May already be smaller than the population’s ecological footprint Traffic in downtown Cairo, Egypt Manhattan, New York City Refugee camp in Zaire Figure 36.9C

28 Birth or death rate per 1,000 population
36.10 Birth and death rates and age structure affect population growth The demographic transition Is the shift from high birth rates and death rates to low birth rates and death rates 50 40 30 20 10 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025 2050 Year Birth rate Death rate Birth or death rate per 1,000 population Figure 36.10A

29 The age structure of a population
The age structure of a population Is the proportion of individuals in different age-groups Affects its future growth Age 85+ 80–84 75–79 70–74 65–69 60–64 55–59 50–54 45–49 40–44 35–39 30–34 25–29 20–24 15–19 10–14 5–9 0–4 8 4 6 2 Percent of population Primary reproductive ages Rapid growth Slow growth Decrease Afghanistan United States Italy Male Female Figure 36.10B

30 Increasing the status of women May help to reduce family size

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