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L16 Cost Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "L16 Cost Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 L16 Cost Functions

2 Producers Producers: have technology Assumptions: They maximize profit
They are price takers

3 Profit Maximization DRS: secrets of happiness
CRS problem: problem well defined only for IRS profit either zero or infinity

4 Cost Minimization Profit maximization: two stages
Managers: how much to sell Engineers: How to produce it with Today: second stage - cost minimization! Technology + input prices = cost function Geometrically: Isoquants and Isoprofit c

5 Technical Rate of Substitution (TRS)

6 Technical Rate of Substitution (TRS)

7 Secret of Happiness

8 Example

9 Profit Maximization and Cost Minimization
Profit Maximization (DRS) Cost Minimization?

10 Arbitrary y

11 DRS and Cost Function

12 Constant Returns to Scale

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