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This is what we’ll be learning this half term…

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1 This is what we’ll be learning this half term…
Year 4 Term: Autumn 2 Spoken Language: Ask relevant questions to deepen children’s understanding about teeth. Develop their technical vocabulary to inform others. Give well structured explanations and persuasions around oral hygiene. Writing: Write a clear set of instructions on how to brush your teeth in order to persuade an audience. Explain the benefits of good oral health and discuss these in an article. Reading: Read The Demon Dentist and use predictions to write a new chapter for the book. Engage: Open wide…let’s take a look inside! Visit from a local dentist to gain knowledge and ask questions. Listen to the experts explaining their job and talk about different dental procedures. Take part in a dental examination using 3D models. Note key vocabulary for children to sink their teeth into! Maths: Continue with using methods for addition and subtraction with regrouping. Moving on to multiplication and division using appropriate methods. Applying their knowledge to help them solve missing number and word problems. Computing: Follow the ‘Switched On Computing’ scheme using Scratch. This is what we’ll be learning this half term… Burps, Bottoms and Bile! Science: Describe the simple functions of the main parts of the digestive system. Identify and explain the purpose of the different types of teeth. RE Explore the significance of angels within the Christian Christmas celebration. D.T Button up your lab coats and snap on your gloves, we’re going to research, design and make a functioning system of the digestive system! Focus on teamwork. Using mechanical systems to pass water through a model Innovate: Work together to make a ‘Giganta-gut’! Work together to create a large scale, working model of the digestive system and demonstrate how it works to an audience. Express: Celebrate their work by demonstrating their models to another year group. PSHE: Learn about good toilet habits and personal hygiene. Use scenarios to suggest the best ways to stop the spreading of germs. Music: Extend their knowledge and understanding of the use of percussion instruments.

2 Things to explore with your child…
PE: Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Please ensure children have suitable PE clothing as the colder weather approaches. Creative Zone: During this half-term the children will be exploring the human body with a particular focus on teeth, oral hygiene and the digestive system. We will have visits from a local dentist to get them excited about their topic and to ask any questions they may have about the dentist. They could use craft materials to create a 3D model of a tooth, design a poster about oral health to persuade other children or even take a picture of their own teeth and annotate them. We have really enjoyed looking at the home learning from the previous topic, Road Trip to USA. Please encourage your children at home and bring into school to share with the rest of Year 4. Reading: Please ensure your child is reading regularly at home as this will benefit their learning in school. Children will have opportunities to visit the school library and select a book of their choice. We have introduced Reading Passports as an incentive for them to read at home. Fill these in whenever they read and they will be checked by an adult in school. Children can choose from any variety of reading material such as stories, magazines, comics and non-fiction books. Maths: The children have been very enthusiastic about their times tables and this is evident in the progress some of them have made ‘climbing the ladder’. Please continue to revise these weekly at home as it really does have a massive impact. We will also be sending home a half term booklet of maths topics previously covered. Please keep these at home and practise whenever possible. Writing: The children will be asked to write some instructions over the next half term so give them an opportunity to practise this at home. They could use a flow map to write down the different steps for getting ready in the morning or for completing a chore. They can also become more familiar with newspaper articles as this is another area of writing we will be focussing on. Please continue with spelling revision each week as they will be tested on these every Friday. Dates: Engage visit from dentist – Tuesday 30th October We look forward to celebrating your child’s learning with you once again. The children loved our last afternoon together! Date TBC End of term: Friday 21st December 2018

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