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Star Gazing LIVE on Headley Park Field with snacks!

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1 Star Gazing LIVE on Headley Park Field with snacks!
Year 5 Topic Map Term : Space Invaders English: Liam is too big for his boots. And his football strip. And his school blazer. But being super-sized height-wise has its advantages: he's the only eleven-year-old to ever ride the G-force-defying Cosmic rollercoaster - or to be offered the chance to drive a Porsche. Long-legged Liam makes a giant leap for boy-kind by competing with a group of adults for the chance to go into space. Is Liam the best boy for the job? Sometimes being big isn't all about being a grown-up. Writing focus: Science fiction Stories Reading Focus: Skill 2 retrieval questions GPS Focus: Basic punctuation and sentence structures. Maths: Our maths learning will focus on using formal methods for multiplication and division. All children should be practising their times tables- children should have their logins and passwords to TT Rockstars in their Learning Logs! If they do not, message your classroom teacher via Seesaw. We will also be introducing new vocabulary such as: multiples, factors and prime numbers as well as squared and cubed numbers. Useful websites: Top Marks BBC Bitesize Maths Zone NRich Science and technology In science we will describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system; describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth; describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies; use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky. There will be plenty of opportunities for pupils to work scientifically across the term, where they will plan, carry out and analyse their own science experiments. Wellbeing: Jigsaw: Celebrating Difference. We will explore and discuss examples of bullying behaviours; celebrating differences across the world in cultures and/ or race; and whether money matters? PE topics: Indoor: Dance Outdoor: Football Culture: Our REspect religion is Buddhism. We will be learning about the icons in this religion and comparing them to those in Christianity. Guided Reading: We will be improving our basic comprehension skills whilst still accessing an age appropriate text. We will be using highlighters to skim and scan the text as well as practising our question techniques. Citizenship: During Parliament Week this term, the children will be writing a bill to change a law that they feel passionate about. They will have the chance to explore what parliament means to them and empowers them to get involved. Star Gazing LIVE on Headley Park Field with snacks!

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