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Rise of Totalitarianism

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1 Rise of Totalitarianism
Unit 9: WWI and Interwar

2 Totalitarianism: controlling the people of a country in a very strict way with complete power that cannot be opposed

3 Discussion: How does one person get all the power?
How does one person keep all the power? What makes dictatorships go badly? How do we prevent dictatorships in the U.S.? What about abroad? Do we even have the right to do so? Why/why not?

4 Discussion: What factors lead to the rise of totalitarianism after WWI? Economic disruptions -> unstable political conditions

5 Joseph Stalin - USSR Entrenchment of communism Policies
Five-Year Plans (economics) Collectivization of farms State run/controlled industrialization Secret police Great Purge

6 Adolf Hitler - Germany Factors leading to Hitler’s rise to power:
Economic issues (inflation, depression, Reparations for WWI) Democratic government (Weimar Republic) weakened/destroyed Anti-Semitism (Jews blamed for economic situation) Extreme nationalism Germany under Hitler: National Socialism (Nazism) German occupation of nearby territories

7 Benito Mussolini - Italy
Rise of fascism Ambition to restore the glory of Rome Invasion of Ethiopia



10 Hirohito & Hideki Tojo - Japan
Hirohito = Emperor Hideki Tojo = Prime Minister Militarism Industrialization, leads to drive for raw materials Invasion of Korea, Manchuria, China


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