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Registering in Mastering

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1 Registering in Mastering
Access Codes Explain to the participants that in order for a teacher or a student to register in the system they must have an access code There are two ways in which a site may receive their access codes. One ways is through Teacher and Student Access Kits that are shipped to the site and a second way is an ed spreadsheet containing the codes that will be sent to the site. Let the participants know that you will be looking at the Teacher Registration first. Teacher registrations are done at Take the participants to this site and walk them through the registration process. Use the Participant Guide (Clickpath) as a Resource. Note to the Facilitator: Each code is configured for a set number of redemptions. Talk to your AGM to find out how your specific site is setup. Standard is for each teacher code to be 2 redemptions and each student code 50 redemptions but for large districts or adoptions other configurations are made.









10 Registering a Student Transition to the student registration process by telling participants that students need a Pearson Access code from their teacher and the teacher course ID to register. You will provide a Navigational Walkthrough of the Student Registration process using the Click Path as a Guide. (This cannot be done in a live setting because we do not have student access codes.) Point out the key features of the Registration process: Step 1: Enter in the Web browser address bar. Step 2: Enter the letters “SS” in the box and click the Enter Code button. Step 3: Select Covered Titles, then choose Science or Social Studies. Step 4: If this information matches your title, select Student Registration. Step 5: Read and accept Pearson’s License Agreement and Privacy Policy. Step 6: Create your Pearson Account. Once you created your Pearson account, enter the 6-part student access code provided by your teacher. Step 7: Enter your profile Step 8: Review on screen confirmation.

ed Spreadsheet

12 Joining a teacher’s Mastering course
Explain to the participants that upon entering the Mastering site the student will be prompted to Join Your Online Course. Step 1: If you have the course ID select yes and enter the Course ID provided by your teacher. Step 2: Select continue. Step 3: Once the student has joined the course select Check your Browser to be sure they have the right browser, players and plug-ins to enjoy full functionality. Step 4: They must also be sure that they have the right time zone settings. Note to the Facilitator: If the student selects No, they will have access to their program eText and the Mastering Study Area. They will have the opportunity to enter the teacher’s Course ID each time they login to their Mastering site. Enter the Course ID provided by your teacher

13 Returning Student Point out that once the student is registered they will use the direct URL to sign into Mastering.

14 Returning User Login Share with the participants that once you have done the initial setup you will not go back to the to login. From this point on you will use the direct url for the mastering product. Enter the product specific url in the browser to get to the Mastering Landing Page and select Sign In. The sign in screen appears where you will enter your username and password that you just created. The first time you log in you are instructed to create a course.

15 What should I do? Point out to the participants that there are 4 options that can be to used to setup the first course. Briefly describe the options: • Create a New Course - lets you set up an empty course shell for the textbook you choose. You can create and add original assignments, and may also add publisher-provided assignments that have been created for your textbook. These assignments contain some of the best content available, selected by experienced instructors. • Copy One of My Courses (only an option if you already have a course created in Mastering) - lets you select from a list of your existing courses for the same Pearson product, and asks you whether to copy the assignment dates. See • Copy a Pre-Built Course (if available) - provides a list of textbooks and courses that have been created with assignments for the textbook you select. Click a Course Title to learn more about its design. • Copy Another Instructor's Course - Prerequisite: The course owner must first make the course available for copying and tell you the course ID. Only choose to copy assignment dates if you plan to use the same due dates that are already assigned in the course you are copying. Note to the Facilitator: For this training session choose Create a New Course to show the participants how this is done. When the participants are creating the real course for their system they may choose other options if they desire. If they are a new to Mastering, it is recommended that they Copy a Pre-Built Course if one is available for your course or copy another instructor’s course from your department. You can also copy pre-built assignments. The pre-built courses and assignments contain questions recommended for new users. If you do, make sure that you preview and edit assignments to match your course objectives.

16 Multiple Section Setup?
Pose the question, “How many of you will be teaching more than one section of the same course?” Explain to the participants that there are various ways that the instructor could set this system up and these decisions should be made before they create their course. You can then create groups and organize students into groups to represent each section. First, you could create one course and let all students from all sections enroll in this course. Once the enrollment process has been completed you can make groups within the class for each section you teach. This will allow you to view grades and export data by class, but it also provides you with the convenience of having all of your students in one course. When you need to add content, move due dates, and so on, you only have to do this in one course. The other option is to create multiple Mastering courses – one for each section. If this is your choice you might want to consider establishing one course first then copying that course. Once a course is copied, it works independently from the other courses so any corrections or additions must be made in each course. Which ever setup is used the initial course is setup in the same way. Record Course ID

17 Next, you will provide a Navigational Walkthrough in the live product of Creating the first course using the Participant Guide (Click Path) as a Reference. Point out the key features of course creation: Step 1: Select Create a Course and choose Create a new course and select continue Step 2. Select your Textbook for this course. Step 3: Enter your basic information for the course such as the course title, country and time zone and course end date. Step 4: If you use student ID’s select yes. (For this training session, use default selection - No) Step 5: You will see the course ID generated by the system that will identify this course. It is recommended to accept the course ID and use the default Course ID that is setup by the system. Be sure to record this ID as this is information that will be needed by the students to complete their course registration. Step 6: Choose whether students can join your course immediately or not. It is recommended that you have the course Open. Step 7: You will see the confirmation message. Step 8: Click continue to course home. Note to the Facilitator: Go to to learn more about creating courses.

18 Creating a Class for MyCrimeLab

19 Enter Saferstein, then click seach




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