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Walking Humbly With our God

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2 Walking Humbly With our God
Micah 6:8 (NIV) 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.     And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy     and to walk humbly with your God.

3 What does it mean to walk humbly with our God
What does it mean to walk humbly with our God? In the book of Micah chapter 6 verse 8 God shares with us what He requires of His people who choose to follow Him. He says to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. The first two requirements are really the preliminary steps in living life through God. They simply say that we should treat people in a way that shows love, compassion and forgiveness because that is the way God has treated us, as His followers.

4 These two principles must be in place before we can truly attempt to take the next step in our walk. If they are, then we can begin to understand what it means to walk humbly with our God. It all has to do with the position God has placed us in, in today’s culture and communities. It is our belief that God has called all Christians to focus on ministering to all people from a position of humility. Our time has come to be more Christ-like in our approach as we help restore God’s creation back to Him.



7 The May FCC event will be TODAY right after service
The May FCC event will be TODAY right after service. Join us for a cookout, games, and fellowship! Our SOAR students and their families will be joining us too!

8 TEENS On Saturday, May 21st, the TEENS will meet at FCC at 1:00pm to go to the Bingler’s Lake. We will be back at FCC for pick-up at 8:00pm.

9 Please pray about this meeting.
There will be a MISSIONS team meeting on Sunday, May 22nd after worship service to plan the budget. Please pray about this meeting.

10 The ULTIMATE Treasure Hunt
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21 VBS 2016 Sunday, June 26th Monday the 27th Tuesday the 28th

11 Our next sermon series will be begin in June!
“The Gospel in Disney”

12 2016 Wednesday, June 22nd ….. more details to follow

13 Our Seeds of Hope ministry needs you!
Please bring in non-perishable food items and leave them in the kitchen. tuna soup oatmeal applesauce condiments dried beans canned fruit peanut butter noodles / pasta spaghetti sauce breakfast cereal cake / cookie mix canned vegetables macaroni & cheese Thank You!

14 Please join us (wherever you are) every evening at 8pm for a time of prayer. Set aside this time to pray together as a church to seek God’s wisdom for our leadership and direction.

First Christian Church has Sunday morning sermons available as Podcasts on iTunes! The free Podcasts can be found on the iTunes Store at:

16 announcements e-mail address:
If you want to get “the word out” on any ministry updates or up-coming events, please use our announcements address:

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