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The Gospel at the Heart of Youth Ministry

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1 The Gospel at the Heart of Youth Ministry
2 Timothy 1 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 James Wainaina iServe Africa

2 The Gospel at the Heart of Youth Ministry
Youth pastors are called not to be ashamed of the gospel but to guard it and share in the suffering for the gospel. Youth ministry as an outflow of discipleship at home. The danger of deserting the gospel because of the rejection and suffering that comes with it. A call to be convicted of truth and to follow the pattern of sound teachings. A call to guard the sacred deposit entrusted to us.

3 The Gospel at the Heart of Youth Ministry
The ground of youth ministry is the Cross of Christ. Our pastoral call is centered on the true gospel (abolishment of death and bringing life to all). We are appointed to be preachers, teachers and agents of this good news.

4 The Gospel at the Heart of Youth Ministry
. Youth ministry is enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit. How can young people be included in the salvation of humanity? Our not being ashamed, our suffering and our teaching of correct doctrine is possible only in the power of God (v. 1:8); enablement of the Holy Spirit of God (v. 14). It then follows that if you are not a faithful teacher/preacher, we can actually conclude that you are not listening or submitting to God and his spirit.

5 The Gospel at the Heart of Youth Ministry Talk #1 Discussion Questions
In which ways can a youth worker be suffering for the gospel in Malawi and how can he stand firm in faith and ministry? (1:9, 1:12, 2:3, 4:5) How can you guard the Gospel deposit and ensure sound teaching in Malawi at a time when there’s a lot of false teachers? (1:13-14) Are you following the pattern of sounds teaching in your youth ministry? (1:13) Are you pressing on, even when friends or family desert you? (1:1518)

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