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Policies & Procedures Mrs. Ginn’s Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Policies & Procedures Mrs. Ginn’s Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policies & Procedures Mrs. Ginn’s Class

2 Classroom Rules Follow Directions
Be seated & have materials ready when tardy bell rings Be respectful Be attentive Be prepared No Swearing or Teasing (NO Tolerance)

3 Rewards Praises Positive phone call / email Goodies Positive note home
Bonus point coupons Free answer coupon

4 *** All severe behavior reports immediately to the office.
Consequences 1st = Warning 2nd – 3rd ***Depending on the Behavior Break Detention/Afterschool Detention 4th = Contact parents / Call home / 5th = Office visit *** All severe behavior reports immediately to the office.

5 Materials Bring all materials & work to class daily
Writing utensil Paper 3 ring binder with work Do not clean out binders until the end of the 9 weeks when instructed to do so

6 Daily Routines Sharpen pencil before class, if lead breaks you may sharpen it if I’m not giving instructions; otherwise raise your hand Sit down, read board (You can take a picture of assignments/HW or enter info into your device) Start bell work Complete class assignments

Please try to go between class so that you don’t miss important information. This is your scheduled time to go. YOU DO NOT NEED MY PERMISSION TO GO TO THE RESTROOM DURING CLASS CHANGE.

8 Bell Work Checked randomly Counts as a daily classwork grade
Value determined by the # I am checking Start a new sheet every Monday & 1 sheet per week

9 Turn in work Turn papers into the appropriate class tray when instructed to do so (ex. Test/quizzes)

10 Homework Complete = 100 At least half = 50 Less than half = 0
If you have a zero HW/CW grade you must sign the no homework log. The assignment will then be due by the following day for a 70.

11 Makeup Work Write absent for your bell work
Check make up folder for worksheets or papers if applicable Turn in all missed work in a reasonable amount of time Test & computer activities can be made up during P.E., study hall, before school, after school, or activity classes If you need to come back get a note from me It is YOUR responsibility to make up missed assignments.

12 Missing Assignments If the assignment has not been turned in by the time I enter grades in the computer it will be entered as a 0 with a missing indicator. The highest grade that will be entered after this will be a 50 with the exception of test, quizzes, or prolonged absences If the assignment is still not turned in one week from the date I enter the grades, then the 0 will remain.

13 Extra Credit Bonus 5 points are offered for most tests and quizzes for making flashcards You can redo one assignment each nine weeks for a 90 with a signed progress report (excludes tests & quizzes) Enrichment assignments available at teachers digression

14 Dismissal You are dismissed by the teacher not the bell
Clean the area around your desk before you leave & put all materials back the way you found them

15 Tardies 1st period checks in at the office
1st period- Office referral on 6th tardy Every other period- Office referral on 4th tardy If a teacher holds you, have them write a note or send me a text, unless it was the whole class held late

16 Technology Bring Your Own Device- “with permission and under the direct supervision of the teacher for instructional purposes only.” 1st Offense- phone turned in to office and returned at end of the day 2nd Offense- $20 storage fee and 5 days 3rd Offense- You don’t want to know.

17 Organizing your Binder
At the front of your binder, keep this copy of policies & procedures to reference throughout the year and your bellwork Keep newest material in the front of each section for quick reference Put extra paper in the back ( you will not need much) Get a clear 3 ring pencil pouch for color pencils & other accessories Section dividers Bell Work, Notes/Classwork, Vocabulary, Study guides/quizzes, Foldables

18 Dress Code No holes that show skin above the knees (tape will not be allowed) Boys – YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TUCK IN YOUR SHIRT Girls – when wearing leggings, your shirt must be fingertip length.

19 Don’t be afraid to ask questions
WELCOME to SCIENCE! This is your classroom Stay positive Set attainable Goals Don’t be afraid to ask questions HAVE FUN!!!!!!

20 Practice & Review In your group choose one rule that you think is most important, explain why, & give an example. Swap groups & share with the other group.

21 Goals What are your goals for this year
Goals What are your goals for this year? List goals for the following categories. - This class - The school year - Sports or extra curricular - community involvement

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