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Electricity and Magnetism.

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Presentation on theme: "Electricity and Magnetism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electricity and Magnetism

2 Negative charges in an atom are called ___________.

3 What kind of electricity can be caused by rubbing two materials together?
Static Electricity

4 When you rub a balloon with a cloth, __________ charges are knocked off the cloth and are collected onto the balloon. This makes the balloon have a __________ charge. negative negative

5 What is a discharge of static electricity in the atmosphere called?

6 Lightning occurs when the ___________ charges in the thundercloud build up and jump to the ____________ charged ground. negative positively

7 What kind of electricity is caused by a continuous flow of electrons?
Current Electricity

8 What is the path that electricity flows through called?

9 A circuit must be _________ to allow the flow of electricity.

10 What can be used to control the flow of electricity?

11 What do we call materials that allow the flow of electricity?

12 What do we call materials that do not allow the flow of electricity?

13 What is a poor conductor called?

14 Resistors allow electrical energy to be ___________ into other forms of energy.

15 Name three types of energy that electricity can be changed into.
Heat, light, and mechanical energy

16 How many pathways does a series circuit have?

17 How many pathways does a parallel circuit have?
Two or more

18 What kind of circuit is it?

19 What kind of circuit is it?

20 What is the area of magnetic force called?

21 Electric current creates a _____________ field.

22 What do you make if you put together a closed circuit and wrap the wire around an iron bolt?

23 How can you make an electromagnet stronger?
You can wrap the wire around the iron bolt more times.

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