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In The Name Of God Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "In The Name Of God Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 In The Name Of God Vocabulary

2 A(AN): “not” , “without”

3 Anonymous: Anonymous: nameless; of unknown or unnamed origin

4 Anoxia: Anoxia: deprivation of (state of being without) oxygen.
An abnormally low amount of oxygen in the body.

5 Apnea: Apnea: Temporary cessation of breathing
A temporary Stop of breathing, occurring in some newborns (infant apnea) and in some adults during sleep (sleep apnea). Breathing that slows down or stops from any cause is called apnea.

6 Aseptic: Aseptic: Free from disease-cauasing microorganisms.
Right picture is clean areas for aseptic.

7 Asymptomatic: Asymptomatic: Showing no symptoms of disease.
Showing no evidence of disease.

8 Atheism: Atheism: Godlessness. The belief that there is no God.

9 Atrophy: Atrophy: Lack of growth as from disease
A wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage.

10 Atypical: Atypical: not typical. not conforming to the type; irregular; abnormal.

11 MONO(MON): “one” , “Single” , “alone”

12 Monarchy: Monarchy: Rule by a single person.
Supreme power held by a single person.

13 Monochromatic: Monochromatic: The tone of color in picture is one.
The tone of right picture is purple and left picture green.

14 Monocle: Monocle: An eyeglass for one eye.

15 Monogamy: Monogamy: Marriage with only one person at a time.
Marriage with one mate at a time.

16 Monogram: Monogram: A design consisting of two or more alphabetic letters combined. Two or more letters to represent a name. Electronic Arts. Volkswagen. Iran Khodro Company. Life’s Good. Chanel.

17 Monograph: Monograph: A monograph is a work of writing on a single subject or an aspect of a subject, usually by a single author.

18 Monolith: Monolith: Single stone of large size. An obelisk, Large statue and … formed of a single block stone.

19 Monolithic: Monolithic: Single stone of large size. Formed massive and rigidly uniform.

20 Monolog: Monolog: Long speech by one person is monolog.

21 Monomania: Monomania: an inordinate or interest in a single thing, idea or subject.

22 Monomorphic: Monomorphic: Having a single form.

23 Monosyllabic: Monosyllabic: having only one syllable.
Cat , Bus , One , Red , Sun , … Raid , Life , Plot , Door , Head , High , Base , Rage , Love , Drop …

24 Monotheism: Monotheism: Belief that there is only one God.

25 Monotonous: Monotonous: Means Boring. Continuing in without changing tone.

26 POLY: “many”

27 Polyarchy: Polyarchy : a form of government in which power is vested in three or more persons.

28 Polychromatic: Polychromatic: Having a variety of colors. Multicolored. Having or exhibiting a variety of colors.

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