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Human Growth and Development

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1 Human Growth and Development
Day #14 October 22, 2012

2 Agenda – Day 13 Complete answer sheets for exam #2
Questions about book reviews Finish “Fat City” Workshop Preview of group activity for Wednesday

3 FAT City Workshop Richard Lavoie
A child with a learning disability cannot try harder, pay closer attention, or improve motivation on their own; they need help to learn how to do those things.

4 Sensation and Perception
Remember – sensation is taking in environmental stimuli Perception is giving meaning to that information We all sense things in very similar ways; the meaning we give differs from individual to individual based on experience.


6 You saw a couple in an intimate pose, right
You saw a couple in an intimate pose, right? Interestingly, research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such a scenario. What they WILL see, however, is the nine dolphins in the picture!

7 I.Q. Normal Curve Percentile rank – as if baseline were points from 1 – Where would a particular score rank in relation to all other scores?

8 Intelligence Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is the ratio of mental age to chronological age MA x = IQ CA (multiplied by 100 to make it a whole number rather than a fraction) Usually, IQ is measured by a score on an intelligence test (score = mental age)

9 Exceptional Needs Learning disabilities Dyslexia Dyscalcula Dysgraphia
Dysnomia ADD/ADHD

10 Discrepancy Criterion
Aptitude and performance are more than 2 years different aptitude testing achievement testing raw score (percent of total possible) percentile (compared to reference pop.)


12 Applying Percentiles to other issues
Body Mass Index (BMI) can be used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal. It will, however, overestimate fatness in people who are muscular or athletic. Because of these problems, this body mass index calculator shows extra statistics to help you be informed and judge your own body compared to others of the same height and age. Also offered are average weight and height charts and Body Mass Index charts, which show data you just can't find anywhere else.

13 usefultools/l/bl_kids_centils.htm

14 If at 50th percentile, you are close to average weight. At 90th percentile, your weight is greater than 90% of others. At 20th percentile, then 80% of others weigh more than you.


16 Women tend to believe they look their best at values between 20 to 22 and men are usually satisfied with a BMI of 23 to 25. If your BMI  is between 17 to 22, your life expectancy is longer than average. You don't need to lose weight. If your BMI is between 23 and 25, you are not considered overweight by most people.  But if your BMI is 26 or more, that's not good. But you knew that already. Source:

17 Final thoughts regarding Learning Disabilities
A learning disability, or learning disorder, is not a problem with intelligence. Learning disorders are caused by a difference in the brain that affects how information is received, processed, or communicated.

18 Beyond FAT City Workshop Richard Lavoie
A child with a learning disability cannot try harder, pay closer attention, or improve motivation on their own; they need help to learn how to do those things.

19 Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
Sensorimotor – infancy and toddlerhood Preoperational – toddlerhood and preschool 5 to 7 shift Concrete Operational Thinking – grade school and early adolescence Formal Operational Thinking – adult-level reasoning

20 Fairness Concrete Operational Thinking Formal Operational Thinking
Everyone gets the same treatment…. Formal Operational Thinking Everyone gets what he or she needs

21 Class Break Perceptual Illusions

22 Preview of menu planning activity for after book reviews on Wednesday

23 Old Food Pyramid New Food Pyramid at and


25 What can be done to avoid waste of cafeteria food?
What goes in a good sack lunch? Pre-schooler Grade school High school Adults at work

26 Plan a school day menu Plan a healthy school breakfast and school hot lunch Grade school Adolescent/middle school and high school Plan a healthy home breakfast and school sack lunch Adolescent/middle and high school What can be done to encourage children to consume full lunches at school? How can parents be involved? Consider a full day on the pyramid worksheet – your breakfast and lunch should each include at least 1/3 of the recommended portions -- use this site to look up the food items you have chosen. Calculate the nutritional values.

27 What can be done to help obese grade school children?
1. 2. 3. 4.

28 Some additional information to supplement the links in the class notes
(look in the menu under “For Consumers”)

29 Assignment Chapter 7 - 8 Middle Childhood – Grade School Years
Book Reviews – Wednesday 10/24 School lunch activity

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