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Slide 1: State the Title of your Learning Experience Name Date of Presentation Possibly include a clipart ~ Stray away from including too many photos.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1: State the Title of your Learning Experience Name Date of Presentation Possibly include a clipart ~ Stray away from including too many photos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1: State the Title of your Learning Experience Name Date of Presentation Possibly include a clipart ~ Stray away from including too many photos (per slide) or contrasting colors that may distract from the content of your LE J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

2 Slide 2: Learning Experience Focus Question
State the focus question(s) of your learning experience Possibly include a clipart or photo J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

3 Slide 3: District and School
State the District and School in which your lesson was implemented Possibly include a picture of your school building J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

4 Slide 4: Grade Level/Ability of Students
State the grade level in which the lesson was taught Include the specific ability levels of the students within the classroom (i.e. special needs, gifted/talented) ~ Based on the amount of content you are intending on including, you may want to consider creating a separate slide for grade level and ability of students J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

5 Slide 5: Time Frame State the time frame in which the lesson was implemented Possibly include clip art J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

6 Slide 6: Objectives Include the most prevalent objectives of your lesson ~Although you may have several objectives that relate to your lesson (included within your LE), limit the number of objectives within your PowerPoint to 1 or 2 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

7 Slide 7: Essential Question(s)
State the Essential Questions/Guiding Questions of your LE Possibly include a clipart/photo ~ Limit to two or three statements J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

8 Slide 8: Enduring Understanding
State the “Big Idea” or goals in which the students will come to know or achieve Include a clipart J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

9 Slide 9: Student’s Tasks
State the students’ tasks in sequential order Consider numbering the tasks Include ONLY the most important tasks: including activities within the whole/small group, partnership, and independent settings Limit tasks to brief phrases/statements Possibly include a clipart/photo J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

10 Slide 10: Developing Student Work
Scan a photo or actual copy of the student’s work at the developing level An additional slide may be used to describe the students work OR a description may be included within the slide (this statement is applicable for student work within the developing, proficient, and distinguished levels) J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

11 Slide 11: Proficient Student Work
Scan a photo or actual copy of the student’s work at the proficient level J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

12 Slide 12: Distinguished Student Work
Scan a photo or actual copy of the student’s work at the distinguished level J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

13 Slide 13: Optional additions to Student Work Sections
Consider including scanned items of the rubrics or additional assessments used to identify the students performance. These slides may be included after each student work section (developing, proficient, and distinguished) or following all of the sections as a whole. J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

14 Slide 14: New York State Core Curriculum or Standards
State the most prevalent standard (s) and performance indicators. Although several standards may be related to your learning experience, select 1-2 standards to include within your PowerPoint. J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

15 Slide 15: Assessments Include bulleted statements indicating how the students will be assessed Consider including: pre-assessments ongoing-assessments post-assessments Possibly include a clipart/photo J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

16 Slide 16: Modification Table-Select ONE Modification Table to Include
Rationale Benefit Briefly state ONE modification within the specific table you have selected Briefly state ONE rationale behind the specific modification Briefly state ONE benefit of the specific modification ~ In order to insert a table in PowerPoint, simply go up to “Insert” click Table and include 3 columns and 2 rows. J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

17 Slide 17: Reflections State a brief reflection thanking your peer review group for their assistance in developing your LE during the peer review process. Consider acknowledging specific individuals that may have provided feedback/suggestions regarding your LE. Possibly include any “Ah-ha’s” you may have arrived at resulting from the peer review process. Possibly include a clipart/photo J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

18 Additional Information
Numbering the slides within PowerPoint is not necessary (i.e. Slide 1, Slide 2). This aspect was included to provide additional scaffolding when creating the PowerPoint. At the bottom of each Power Point slide, include the page number in which the information can be found within your LE. J. Twist Daemen College, 2008 J. Twist Daemen College, 2008

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