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Beyond 2015: Education, a key goal for sustainable development Dennis Sinyolo EI Senior Coordinator, Education and Employment.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond 2015: Education, a key goal for sustainable development Dennis Sinyolo EI Senior Coordinator, Education and Employment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond 2015: Education, a key goal for sustainable development Dennis Sinyolo EI Senior Coordinator, Education and Employment

2 Outline What is the post-2015 development and education agenda?
The post-2015 process and EI advocacy Highlights from the HLP report What can your union do?

3 What is the post-2015 development and education agenda?
Post 2015 development agenda - A new development framework to replace the current MDGs (2 education MDGs) Post-2015 education agenda – a new education agenda to replace the current EFA framework

4 Current education MDGs
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education. Target: Ensure that by 2015 children everywhere, boys and girls will be able to complete a full course of good quality primary schooling. Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women. Target: eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and at all levels of education no later than 2015.

5 EFA goals Expand early childhood care and education
Provide free and compulsory primary education for all Promote learning and life skills for young people and adults Increase adult literacy by 50% Achieve gender parity by 2005 and gender equality by 2015 Improve the quality of education

6 Post-2015 development framework
The post-2015 process Three main tracks: SDGs/Rio +20 Post-2015 development framework MDGs EFA/post-2015 education framework

7 EI advocacy Post-2015 advocacy tools: Ten principles
One-pager with EFA goal, targets and indicators Advocacy efforts: UN High Level Panel and advisors (Monrovia, Bali, New York) UN agencies: UNDP, ILO, UNESCO/UNICEF (Global Thematic Consultation on Education)… Civil society

8 Proposed EI goal & targets
Goal: ‘Ensure universal free quality education’ Target 1: Every child completes a fully cycle of continuous free quality early childhood, primary and secondary education… Target 2: All young people and adults have equitable access to quality-post secondary education…

9 Highlights from the HLP report
A single post-2015 development framework, applicable to all countries Five transformative shifts: Leave no-ne behind Put sustainable development at the core Transform economies for jobs and inclusive growth Build peace and effective open and accountable systems Forge a new global partnership Illustrative framework with 12 proposed develop. goals A standalone education goal

10 HLP goal and targets Goal: Provide Quality Education and Life-long Learning Targets: Pre-primary completion Universal primary school completion and children able to read, write and count Universal access to lower secondary education + recognised learning outcomes Increase in number of young people and adults with skills, including TVET

11 What can your union do? Engage members of the UN High Level Panel and Open Working Group from your country Engage your government to ensure that education is included as a key priority in the Post agenda during the negotiation process among member states Share experiences and lessons learnt from the current MDGs and EFA Where possible, Engage regional intergovernmental organisations Vote on My World Survey ( )

12 Timeline May 2013 (30) HLP submits report to UN Secretary General
June 17 – Open Working Group Meeting, New York September 2013 (5 & 7) G20 Summit, St Petersburg September UNGA/MDG Summit, New York October 2013 (WTD) Official launch of MQE in New York November Open Working Group December Open Working Group January Open Working Group February Open Working Group

13 Timeline (cont.) Early 2014 GEM, Paris May 2014 EI Global Education Conference September 2014 MDG Summit, New York May 2015 UNESCO World Education Forum, Seoul

14 Important web sites 1. The World We Want 2. High Level Panel 3. Open Working Group

15 Thank you!

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